View Full Version : Worried about my Brain :/

20-05-19, 03:43
I’m Matt and I’m 17 year old male and I have been really on edge about my brain for a little while. Sometime ago I made threads about twitching muscle all over my body that come and go throughout my day. I’ve had these twitches since last August! I really worry if it’s a brain problem I have like MS or something. I see floaters sometimes.
I play tennis for my school and when I’m active, all these problems go away for me. Whenever I’m engaged in an activity, I don’t notice any of these problems. I don’t understand why these twitches occur? I’ll be sitting on my chair on the computer and stretch and suddenly my neck, arms, legs and eyebrows start doing these spasms.

I’m honestly very scared about this. Anyone have any ideas?

20-05-19, 04:00
Yes, you have anxiety and panic. The brain is in overload and you will experience symptoms due to this overload. There is no illness, I can assure you, like MS that goes away when you are distracted or doing something you enjoy . as long as you stay in s hyper stressed state, you will experience symptoms that will come and go, stay, or change. Anxiety does that to us.

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20-05-19, 10:00
Benign fasciculation syndrome? This is a symptom that many people have on here with anxiety, they tend to occur after periods of activity when you are resting. I like to view it as over stressed muscles and nerves just having a little complain.

21-05-19, 00:47
Twitching is one of the most commonly seen symptoms on the boards. Very typical with anxiety.

Positive thoughts

21-05-19, 02:17
Anxiety is powerful, and psychosomatic symptoms are plentiful. I've had fasciculations over my whole body at once and whole limbs have jerked. My girlfriend has whole limb jerks often. Guess what? Once the worry fades, they **** right off. There is no physical illness. If it isn't progressive, there's a 99% chance you're fine. If it's in different areas - not staying predominantly in one place for more than a few days - there's a 99% chance you're fine. If you can see small muscle twitches on the surface, it's normal.