View Full Version : dose papper bags help

13-09-07, 14:08
hi all i was told when i feel an attack coming on to breath into a brown papper bag dose this really work


13-09-07, 14:12
I've actually read that this isn't so advisable most particularly in asthama sufferers.

A very good book on the subject is Hyperventilation syndrome by Dinah Bradley off Amazon.

Piglet :flowers:

13-09-07, 15:16
Ive resorted to a paper bag on a few occasions in the past when nothing else worked and it did help. Its a temporary measure and I would agree with Piglet that finding out about hyperventilation and how to control it before it gets to "paper bag stage" would be more beneficial in the longer term. But for a quick fix when all else has failed, then give it a try.

13-09-07, 17:13
The paper bag isn't used for anxiety attacks but for hyperventilation which may accompany an attack.

Hyperventilation is basically over-breathing, in which case you take in too much oxygen and restrict the production of carbon dioxide. The paper bag allows you to breath back in your own carbon dioxide and balance your breathing.