View Full Version : Nasal cancer, lump

21-05-19, 19:27
Havent been on in a while as have had my anxiety thankfully at bay! However.

Ive had a cold for the last month, gradually getting better. Everytime I get a cold, i tend to get blisters up my nose. While looking up my nose I noticed my left nostril i noitced a white lump. I wouldnt say its a lump, i cant feel anything on the outside and when i touch it, or trying to get it between my fingers? it doesnt feel like it has edges? Its not on my right side. Could i be overreacting and this is literally just how my nose is?

21-05-19, 20:15
It has been a little while Sam. You must be doing something right ;) You know the deal. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?218121-Blisters-up-nose) We're asymmetrical by nature. You self examined, saw something you think is abnormal and jumped to the worst possible conclusion with no real evidence. You just got over a cold. Your nose and sinuses are still recovering. Don't let a little blip send you down the rabbit hole.

Positive thoughts

21-05-19, 20:18
It is LITERALLY how your nose is. I looked up my nose in my various stages of HA,and after having some pain in my left nostril, and ended up at the ENT Specialist's. He examined me ( happened to be very kind, older doctor who understood HA), and said: that is you normal nose. He explained to me that two nostrils, or how it looks inside them, is not exactly the same, like nothing on our body. Also felt all my lymph nodes, my throat, my ears.... what a bonus treat for a lunatic like me, LOL. Also - the pain literally disappeared IMMEDIATELY after the exam. That is what we do to ourselves, and HA is capable of.

25-05-19, 18:55
Thank you fishmanpa, i can always rely on your comments giving me comfort.

25-05-19, 18:56
Funnily enough its gone down, hahaha. Still there but gone down loads.

25-05-19, 19:14
Funnily enough its gone down, hahaha. Still there but gone down loads.

Courtesy of your friendly neighborhood "Told Ya So Gang" ;)


Positive thoughts