View Full Version : No appetite since Friday and gassy

22-05-19, 19:04

I am really worried now and needing support. On Thursday of last week, I noticed that I did not really have much of an appetite. I start to lose my appetite around the start of my period. So, I figured this might be it and did not worry about it much.

It is Wednesday though now and I'm still having these types of symptoms. I'm starting to get really worried now. I've felt so gassy too. My stomach keeps making rumbling sounds and I keep passing gas. I feel like my bowel movements have been odd too. I feel like I have to poop a lot, but when I do, not much comes out and my stool has been pretty soft.

Yesterday was different for me. I felt more hungry and was able to eat more. Now my symptoms are back again. I take an antiacid(zantac) as I have gastritis. I have no idea if it could be a result of that,but either way, I am concerned. I don't have my gallbladder either. It was removed April of 2018.

I'm going to be calling my doctor today and setting up an appointment. I'm really worried something is wrong like stomach cancer..colon cancer.. etc.

22-05-19, 19:34
or it could just be IBS