View Full Version : Curved Finger Nails and Lung Disease

22-05-19, 20:53
I saw some random thing on the internet about a woman who had curved finger nails and ended up having lung cancer.

I’ve had curved fingernails my whole life and haven’t had any sort of lung problems as of yet. I’m freaking out because I googled this and it said that this condition is called clubbing and almost always signals some type of lung disease. I don’t know if this means that your finger nails curve over time or if you’re born with these kinds of nails that you are bound to get some type of disease or cancer. My great grandmother had the same nails as me and never had any issues. I am freaking out. Has anyone heard of this or know anything about it?

22-05-19, 20:57
That's like putting 2+2 and getting 4,741!

Positive thoughts

22-05-19, 21:22
Yes its usually associated with Cystic Fibrosis, Lung Cancer etc. No association with asthma.

You've had it your entire life - anything which has been present your entire life (within reason) is not going to be a sinister sign.

You can move on from this completely - the fact your gm had it too would suggest a genetic aspect (or confirm it).

23-05-19, 02:14
Thank you for responding. I just keep thinking that I need to get my lungs checked out. I’ve had 3 CBCs done in the past 5 months and a chest x Ray and everything has been Normal. I just don’t know how far to take it

23-05-19, 02:38
I’ve had 3 CBCs done in the past 5 months and a chest x Ray and everything has been Normal. I just don’t know how far to take it

I have heart disease and I'm a cancer survivor. I've had one doctor visit, one cardiologist visit and one set of bloods done in the last year. I'd say you've taken it far enough :shades:

Positive thoughts

23-05-19, 11:55
Thank you for responding. I just keep thinking that I need to get my lungs checked out. I’ve had 3 CBCs done in the past 5 months and a chest x Ray and everything has been Normal. I just don’t know how far to take it

You have taken this far enough. You said you've had this your whole life and your grandmother had it as well. Certainly one of your doctors - probably a pediatrician in your first few years of life - would have taken note of this and expressed concern along the way. The same goes for your grandmother, who it sounds like lived a full life with no lung problems.

You are in the clear here.