View Full Version : Coming off citralopram

22-05-19, 22:49
I've been in citralopram for over 5 years. They together with advice from this site and other online advice guides have helped me massively.

I've decided I'd like to come off citralopram. I Cobtacted acted my GP who told me to drop to 30mg for a month to see how I get on.

Anyone done this before, any advice or pointers you can share?


22-05-19, 23:25
I've been in citralopram for over 5 years. They together with advice from this site and other online advice guides have helped me massively.

I've decided I'd like to come off citralopram. I Cobtacted acted my GP who told me to drop to 30mg for a month to see how I get on.

Anyone done this before, any advice or pointers you can share?


Hey Bigmo

When I tapered in the past, it was extremely slowly - there’s no rush after all and always remember that. My dosage was 20 mg at the time of tapering. I’d do a whole tab for two days and a half tab every third day. I ran that for a few weeks before alternating days between whole dose and half dose - did that for a few weeks. The goal initially was getting down to a half dose every day and running that for a few weeks. Once there, I started to skip the half dose every third day, eventually getting to the alternating stage of one day on and one day off. Again I ran that for a few weeks before moving to taking a half tab every third day. By this final stage I found that I’d feel slightly off on the days I was taking the half dose which I interpreted as my body’s way of telling me that what I was doing was no longer required. Had a wonderful two years where I managed without anything before recently suffering a freak out forcing me to start up again.

Best of luck to you Mo, please feel free to drop me a message any time.


13-06-19, 21:42
Thanks Rich, very helpful. I've been dropped from 40mg to 30mg. Felt a few slight side effects the first weeks or so, feeling a bit better now though

13-06-19, 22:00
Thanks Rich, very helpful. I've been dropped from 40mg to 30mg. Felt a few slight side effects the first weeks or so, feeling a bit better now though

Well done Bigmo

If you’re feeling good, that’s all that matters. Take your time, don’t pressure yourself - there’s no need.

Best of luck
