View Full Version : Abdominal ultrasound

23-05-19, 16:49
i for the last 3 weeks ive had sickness and intense throbbing pain in my stomach and burning pain in my back. After treating several possible things doctor has no idea and has referred me for an abdominal ultrasound. My question is if anyone has had this does this cover the full abdomen and all visible organs or only specific ones. The stomach and back pain feels very like the pain i had in early stages of labour but tests are all negative and nothing abnormal felt when the doctor examined my stomach by pressing on it. It is extremely unlikely that i would be pregnant but if i was am i right in thinking it will be seen in the abdominal ultrasound even though they arent looking for that? I have a fear of being pregnant since having my son and although i am on contraception i cant shake the fear that the symptoms are due to being pregnant despite the results of the many tests i have taken.

23-05-19, 19:17
I haven’t had a ultrasound but if you’ve taken many pregnancy tests and are on contraception the likelihood that you are actually pregnant is very slim Indeed.

Positive vibes,


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23-05-19, 20:58
Abdominal ultrasound can't see something like gastritis. For that you need endoscopy.

As for the pregnancy, why don't you do simple home pregnancy test? You don't need ultrasound for that.