View Full Version : Funny bone feeling in arm for 2 months ( MS?)

24-05-19, 18:36
Hello, so to give a bit of context, i'm currently going through MS fears since months. It all started with chest pain on the heart area for days in february. I went to the ER, and was sent home after a few tests. I didn't know about MS at that time, and didn't have much health anxiety so I was fine. A month later, I had pain behind the eye. I googled it and found out about Optic Neuritis. This is where the MS fear started. Immediatly after, i had huge perceived weakness on my legs for weeks, an episode of bladder issue ( went to the toilet 7-8 times in an hour). I went to a neuro , she didn't seem concerned but ordered MRI's "just in case". I got those coming up on August. Since my neuro visit, my other symptoms have been minor fasciculations on legs, arms, hands (BSF?), finger twitching/tremor, and internal vibrations before falling asleep.

The last symptom I wanna talk about happened a bit after my neuro visit. I was sitting in front of the computer, and felt some kind of pinch in my right scapula area. Immediatly after, i started to have a sort of paresthesia on my right arm, exactly like the feeling when you hit your funny bone, as well as shoulder pain. This funny bone feeling is coming and going lighly since 2 months. do you have any clue of what it could be ? I was freaking about it because yesterday I had like a heat wave for seconds and my hands started tingling. It's gone now but this funny bone feeling still exists 2 months after it first started. WHAT IS THIS??

Thank you for any bit of advice or experience

27-05-19, 19:17
sounds like a pinched/inflamed/out of place ulnar nerve

28-05-19, 10:11
Sounds like a pinched nerve