View Full Version : Dizzy...

25-05-19, 18:41
A couple weeks ago, I developed a sore throat and that same day, I started feeling unsteady like the world around me was spinning. It was a sensation that lasted 5 to 10 seconds, stop, and then come back a couple minutes later. It literally felt like I was tilting over. It really freaked me out so I laid down and it went away. Fast forward, my sore throat turned into a full on cold/flu, I'm barely getting over this illness. The dizziness is back :( Could this be related to an inner ear disturbance? It's scary when it happens and is concerning.

25-05-19, 21:04
Yup, most definitely can be inner ear issues. I have a faulty eustachian tube in my left ear so I chronically have issues with dizziness as soon as my head or nose gets clogged, whether it be a cold, allergies, eating the wrong food, weather, etc. Afrin helps. BUT, that feeling is also a very common symptom of anxiety, and I used to get this badly when I was at my worst.... I felt like I was walking on a tilt and tried to always be near a wall to lean on while I walked.