View Full Version : Bladder problems

26-05-19, 11:50
I’m hoping someone might be able to offer some reassurance because I’m driving myself mad thinking about this. For about a month I’ve had a strange issue with my bladder, I will go for a wee and empty but within 5mins i get the feeling of needing to go again, of which I always do. I know it’s not anxiety related because I haven’t at all felt anxious and haven’t been worrying about anything (bizarrely!) I ended up taking myself to the doctor 3 weeks ago who ran a urine test and felt my tummy. All clear but he sent me away with a prescription for antibiotics only to be used if it got worse. My symptoms improved and it went. Roll on 3 weeks later (today) and the symptoms have returned and so has my anxiety about it. I have no stinging etc. which would give the impression of a UTI but I noticed my wee is always very, very light in colour. I’m sure there’s a slight green tinge, but I’m not sure if that’s me thinking it’s that colour when it isn’t. Has anyone else had this? Should I be worried that it’s something more serious? I’m convinced it’s a symptom of something underlying but I’m not sure what. My biggest anxiety fear is having something wrong with me and missing the symptoms, hence why I cling onto everything single change in my body. Advice/assurance is much needed!

26-05-19, 12:03
If a medical professional has already told you it's not serious, I'm not sure what reassurance you expect from an anxiety forum?

The issue here is checking and re-checking. The cycle of anxiety caused by you fearing something being missed. That's what you really need to treat.

26-05-19, 20:20
I’ve had this same issue multiple times. It started last August. I thought I had a UTI, no burning or stinging, just a constant urge to pee as if my bladder was inflamed. I went to the Dr, and they did a urine dipstick test, no infection, even sent the sample off to a lab and no bacteria was found. The feeling lasted about 3 weeks then just went away. Since then I’ve had 3 or 4 more bouts of it, same exact feeling. I’m assuming it’s anxiety at this point. But like you, I too wasn’t feeling anxious. But I do know the bladder is very sensitive to stress and anxiety hormones.

26-05-19, 21:53
It’s really reassuring to hear you’ve suffered the same problem too. I can’t help but link it to anxiety but I’m going to give my doctor a call to check it’s not a UTI. My anxiety has definitely got worse since becoming a parent.