View Full Version : Scratchy Throat Worries

26-05-19, 20:21
Hellllo! So I’m out here in CA and the weather has been so weird like 85 and dry and then we just had a cold storm roll through and there’s a bunch of crap in the air. Well last week like on Thursday I got hit with a scratchy throat. It doesn’t hurt it’s just like dry and irritated if that makes sense. I’m a little congested but not so much that I can’t breathe out of my nose. I just feel and hear it when I talk. Now it’s sunday and I’m worried because it hasn’t passed yet. It’s still scratchy and dry and I’m worried it’s not going to go away. I’ve been looking at the allergy report and everything is in the high range here so maybe it’s that? I do take allergy pills daily so I thought I’d be covered. I just read on my fb that one of my friends had flu like symptoms and then a week later her face started swelling and now she’s in the hospital for sepsis so I’m just real anxious. Does this sound like allergies or like a mild virus? Also my throat will go back to normal right? I really need to like get back in the gym and whatnot but scared to go because I don’t want to make it worse.

26-05-19, 20:54
In the beginning of spring I'd get sore throats for weeks at a time, I think from allergies. But, my throat also gets super scratchy from my allergy medicine, because it dries me out so much. That was going to be mu first question before you mentioned taking it. Try drinking a lot of extra water and sucking on cough drops.