View Full Version : Electricity or food

27-05-19, 23:19
I've got £24 to last me until 10th June, my next UC payment. I'm running out of food, and my electricity pay as you go meter is almost out of credit. My house is all electric.
I rang the most useless power company in the UK and told them I would be without electricity within a few days so would be unable to even charge up my phone, not good when you live alone.
They said because they'd helped already within the past 12 months ( by adding a bit more onto the debt I owe them.... long story) there was nothing more they can do.
I asked them if they were going to leave a 61 year old widow with mental and physical health issues wirhout power for 2 weeks and they said yes.
I'm struggling at the moment..... mentally and physically

28-05-19, 02:28
I'm so sorry you're going through this. Is there anyone you can call on for some help - either with some money to cover the bills or with a place to stay?

28-05-19, 03:57
Sorry to hear this, Phuzella.

- could they reduce the daily debt the meter is collecting, if only for a short time and re-review it in x days, so that is lets you spread your money further? Some may have to visit for this, it depends on the meter a lot of the time, but newer key meters should allow the daily standing charge and debt to be adjusted via the tillpoint (whenever you pay they do updates this way, if needed).

- some food banks offer small credits as well as food.

- are there any schemes on your local authority website to help people who have fallen below the fuel poverty line?

- did you speak to a call centre advisor? If so, get to a manager instead. They have a standard set of rules to follow and a manager can do more for you.

- can you access any short term grants via benefits schemes e.g. hardship payments?

- are the daily standing charges on your invoice matching to the ones on the meter? Sometimes they get our of synch and suppliers are supposed to send out an engineer to perform a reset but things get missed (a lot, and in the past there have been big industry issued over this with the regulator).

- are you on the Priority Services Register (PSR)? They may think twice if they see you are as it makes you a vulnerable customer.

28-05-19, 07:17
I just wrote a really long reply but it disappeared :(.
Thanks for your replies :).
Terry I've tried all the things you mentioned. Nothing available in my area apparently. Typical. I guess I'll open another complaint with them, it won't help but I'll try. Austerity Britain at it's finest. If I'd received my state pension at 60, like the 1950s women were promised, i wouldn't be in this mess. And there are thousands worse off than me.
I might try to access my nearest food bank today. That will mean an 8 mile round trip walking. Won't get much though as I'll have to carry what I can in my trusty backpack :wacko:

28-05-19, 07:34
You mentioned a long story about a debt added to that meter. If they in any way caused that build up then you could argue the repayment plan is too much, a failure on there part and possibly get them to spread it further or do something temporary.

They will want to collect it within 12 months but there is always scope to spread further, it's just a bit more work and for complaints rather than allowing call centre staff to be too loose. It's going to depend by company as to what policies they have on this and how willing they are to stick to them.

Getting to a sympathetic human being rather than someone who's is just cashing their paycheck can mean getting better help.

The emergency credit can also be used up.

It's horrible to be in a situation like this, many staff in these companies (just considering my experience when I worked in it) felt bad and want to help. I've seen many customers lumbered in debt due to cobble ups that shouldn't have happened and many staff know the company is shite due to seeing it everyday so want to help if they can.

28-05-19, 08:20
So sorry that you’re in this position. I second making a complaint or speaking to a manager because it might help even though it’s so wearing.

Have you contacted your local Age Concern or CAB for help? I’m sure you already have lots of strategies for keeping the electric costs download, but someone like Age Concern may be able to help you with going through your income and making sure that you are receiving everything you’re entitled to. Often the help is out there but you need someone in the know to find it for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

28-05-19, 11:12
Phuzella,sorry you are struggling both mentally and physically, I feel for you
Does the Salvation Army,like over here help pay electricity and food?I know they did hear because they helped me out when I was in a situation where I couldn’t pay,Or is there other organisations that can help you.
Stay positive :hugs::flowers:

28-05-19, 13:59
Phuzella, I'm so sorry that you are in this dreadful situation. Do you have any family who could help you out financially? I know you probably don't want to ask but this is awful and you shouldn't be in this situation when you are vulnerable.Do you receive a widow's pension? There might well be other benefits to which you are entitled?

28-05-19, 14:10
While you have net access, would crowdfunding be an option?

28-05-19, 14:43
It's really bad form from the supplier to me considering how little (but not to Phuzella) this is likely to be when you deduct any daily debt recovery.

28-05-19, 19:25
Thank you all for your kind replies. My tablet is playing up a bit at the min so I'll reply when it's had a rest :).

28-05-19, 20:34
I've been in this situation before. It's horrible. What city do you live in? I can try to locate food banks for you. I will happily send you £10 if you'd accept a bank transfer. I don't usually do this but I've seen you around and I know you're honest.

28-05-19, 20:42
Hiya Phuzella, Have a check to see if there is an independent food bank in your area which doesn't need a refferal if not then maybe head to your GP and ask if you can be refered to a food bank.... they are great places and places that are there to help people in your position..... Dont feel bad about asking people for help, it is exactly what they are there for xx

28-05-19, 21:12
Thanks for all the kind comments :). I've actually been in contact with a food bank near me and they said can help me. I've spoken to the power company and they're supposed to be ringing me back tomorrow after the lady I spoke to has spoken to her manager.
I also have a phone number for my local Age uk to see if I'm entitled to any more benefits.
Once again thanks to everyone for your kind words, it means a lot :)

29-05-19, 02:02
That's good to hear, Phuzella.

With you being in summer months I was wondering whether they had dumped you in some kind of debt and are collecting aggressively when they are at fault and should be more forgiving. No need to discuss it if you don't want to but I've seen so many people put into debt due to cobble ups and they don't always realise how much of a case they have to make the company grovel. People suddenly put into debt could end up as high level complaints and I've seen (from the other side) how sometimes dodgy managers, and dodgy company policies, try to get people to pay up when they know they shouldn't.

Call centres may have a 2nd line call back service. They prefer to keep the incoming calls flowing. This can mean what is sold as a manager call back might just be a more senior graded advisor. So, it doesn't have to stop there. And a complaints team beyond them will have more scope to make agreements as their worry is stopping escalating complaints (even they mess low level complaints around and rush around like blue ar5ed flies when it gets to a pre-ombudsman stage, at least where I've worked :winks:)

Good luck!

29-05-19, 08:59
Thanks for all the kind comments :). I've actually been in contact with a food bank near me and they said can help me. I've spoken to the power company and they're supposed to be ringing me back tomorrow after the lady I spoke to has spoken to her manager.
I also have a phone number for my local Age uk to see if I'm entitled to any more benefits.
Once again thanks to everyone for your kind words, it means a lot :)

I used to work at age uk and they are really helpful. Hopefully they can arrange a benefit check with you.
Wishing you lots of luck, keep us posted x

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

30-05-19, 16:57
Thank you all the words of advice and offers of help I received from you lovely folks on here.
I'm the end I called DWP to see if they could help. They gave me an advance UC payment to be paid back over 12 months. Not ideal but at least I can put the kettle on lol. The thieving energy company would not budge an inch from their policy of not helping people out. They must keep their profits up for the shareholders I assume.
Thank you all xxxxxxxx

30-05-19, 17:34
What about the citizens advice? Would they not step in on your behalf and make some phone calls to the energy company.

I agree though, their priorities lie with their share holders, 100%

31-05-19, 02:41
What about the citizens advice? Would they not step in on your behalf and make some phone calls to the energy company.

I agree though, their priorities lie with their share holders, 100%

I don't know about now but when I was in the industry >5 years ago (for over a decade) we did sometimes deal with them but they were more likely to be dealing on behalf of someone with more severe issues who needed a guardian. There are legal arguments for when they can because the supplier has to be wary of the Data Protection Act.

The trouble with the CAB is more that they are so swamped they can take time to access. But I would always agree and say speak to them.

For me, the problems lie with the senior management. Shareholders move around, senior management drive policy, like you say it's sadly all about profit. That and the lack of real governance of the industry as Gordon Brown weakened regulatory control when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer which caused Ofgem to be downgraded. With stuff like this the suppliers ended up banding together to self regulate and I can tell you from experience many a senior manager tried it on with customers in debt when it opposed there own code of ethics under self regulation. Issues with PP, customer complaints and the vulnerable have all escalated over the years though leading to greater protections. They used to try to back bill people many years missing consumption and customers less likely to stick up for themselves would get shafted out of their legal entitlements...something many a scrupulous staff member was keen to prevent :winks:

Glad to hear you have some cover, Phuzella. If you feel up to it a written complaint might get somewhere even if it's some form of small ex gratia payment which might help?