View Full Version : Scared of having a stroke

28-05-19, 10:41
Really worried about having a stroke. I guess if i’m being totally honest, it’s because i’ve not been taking care of myself. I have a 5 month old baby who is my fourth - I haven’t been back to the doctor since he was born and have not been taking my blood pressure tablets as regularly as I should. One of the midwives who was visiting my house said I had to look after myself because I didn’t want to have a stroke.....and, we’ll, behold what my health anxiety has done with that information. I have no symptoms, except I am tired a lot and feel a bit light headed and short of breath when I think about having a stroke. I am in the middle of an extremely stressful time right now and feel on the verge of a panic attack quite often. When I was seeing my psychologist I stopped having panic attacks, but I haven’t seen her since I fell pregnant. I think my anxiety is not very good at the moment, but maybe I feel on the verge of a panic attack because i’m going to have a stroke.
Please no replies that start with “I don’t want to scare you” etc. i’m Going to the doctor in the next couple of days to get a new script for my bp tablets.
I just feel like i’m In a pretty bad place at the moment and could really use some wise words on my anxiety.

28-05-19, 15:22
I have a 5 month old baby who is my fourth

I think this explains a good deal of your problems! You must be exhausted!! But it is so so important for you to take care of yourself as well, even though it's so difficult to do so when you're a busy mother.

I suffered from horrendous postpartum anxiety and I'm sure your hormones are having an effect on how you're feeling. It sounds to me like you are completely exhausted, not keeping up with your blood pressure meds (which, I know from my mom can make you feel awful), and having panic attacks. I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time, but it's good that you'll see your doctor to get your meds sorted out.

Try to carve out a bit of time for yourself - make sure you eat and drink enough (I was always dehydrated when my daughter was young - are you nursing also?) and get a bit of time for yourself anywhere you can to help your mental health. I only have one child and it was hard enough (and still is 5 years in!) to make the time to take care of myself, so I cannot image how difficult that would be with 5.

Try to get back to your psychologist if you're able to. That was a game changer for me anxiety-wise.

I can't imagine why your midwife said that about having a stroke. It sound a bit dramatic. But, do find ways to care for yourself! Good luck!

29-05-19, 06:27
Why oh why would your widwife say that?! That’s nuts! I’ve gone through the whole postpartum process and I agree it’s not easy. And this is your 4th! Bless! But yes, take care of yourself and don’t skip on the bp meds. Definitely keep up with the meds and get your Postpartum checkup done because you may be low on some vitamins and minerals.

13-06-19, 18:43
my mother has been on blood pressure meds she always takes them and shes still fine at 87 plz take your meds