View Full Version : Nose tingling

29-05-19, 12:12
Hi guys,
First time poster, long time lurker. I have health anxiety and my latest obsession is a weird tingling/buzzing feeling on the tip of my nose. It started four days ago and is pretty much constant and driving me crazy. Of course Dr Google tells me it’s MS or Sojerns disease.
I’ve had other facial tingles before and had an MRI which showed changes they said could be age related? I’m 46.
My last blood test a few weeks ago showed high inflammation markers, so I’m convinced this is something dire.
Has anyone else had something similar?
Thank you.

29-05-19, 21:09
Try to remember that Dr Google is an idiot and you are hyper focusing on something trivial.

30-05-19, 08:22
Thanks it may be trivial to you but when it’s happening constantly it’s a bit hard to ignore. Back to the doctor I go.

30-05-19, 08:35
Trust me, non-HA people ignore this stuff all the time.

30-05-19, 11:20
Thanks it may be trivial to you but when it’s happening constantly it’s a bit hard to ignore. Back to the doctor I go.

The replies are spot on IMO. Our bodies do all sorts of weird things and a person without HA would shrug it off and go on with life. "Told Ya So Gang" on standby ;)

Positive thoughts