View Full Version : Excessive acid

13-09-07, 19:58
I saw my GP today re the windy tummy ive had all week and the chest pains when I cough. He said he was certain it was muscular in my chest when I cough, its worse after ive lay down or been sitting so he said almost certainly muscular but then aske dif ive had any bad wind to which I said I had and was the next thing I was going to discuss with him.

He listened to my chest, said all was clear but then asked if id do a urine sample to rule out a UTI because ive been getting the urge to wee more often this week but he said because im feeling very windy in my stomach and up my back it will cause pressure that will make me feel the urge to wee and poo more often, nice:winks: He didn;t check my stomach at all which is kind of worrying me but I should trust him, he is a good dr.

He has prescribed rantidine (sp?) has anyone taken this before? ive read the side effects, omg they are nasty and its worried me abit about taking them.

I am full of wind, what could be causing all this acid? I haven't changed anything in my diet at all. I can feel it all up my back, back passage, chest and stomach, its horrible. I have had it 3 days now.

Its my birthday tomorrow so im going to have a glass of wine with my dh tonight so I cant take the tablets tonight but im not sure I want to really, lol! I know I don't help myself.:winks:

14-09-07, 11:34
Hi Cherry,

Happy Birthday! :tongue:

I can sympathise with you totally - I have all sorts of digestive problems. The ranitidine sounds like a PPI (that stops excess stomach acid production), and these are usually really useful. I took a course of omeprazole, which is similar, and despite the list of side-effects, I had no trouble with it.

I know that excess wind can increase acid production, cos it makes your tummy think it's still full and there's stuff in there that needs breaking down. Wind can be caused by food that disagrees with you - perhaps keeping a food diary will help identify any troublesome foods.

Also, since my tummy problems started, I've had a dodgy bladder too. I feel like I need to wee more, and it feels 'nervous', if that makes sense. But as long as your urine test was fine, it should calm down as you start to feel better.

Good luck with everything :)

Anna. x

17-09-07, 12:18
I too have awful pain at the moment all realated to my tum it seems :mad: i have taken ranitadine hun..they are good and wont harm you more than likely they will cure you:D Hope you hada lovely birthday/Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-09-07, 20:19
Thanks, feeling much better:-)