View Full Version : pelvic floor dysfunction

29-05-19, 19:54
Does anyone here suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction?
I was told a couple of years or so ago that pfd could be the reason for my low back and groin pain.
I started exercises from physio plus diaphragmatic breathing practice and it gradually improved after a few months.
I know I should have kept up with them but bouts of further anxiety and depression got in the way
I'm going to start again and I wondered if anyone else has gone thro this and has any tips as its so much harder trying to stay positive when dealing with my usual anxiety and the pain etc I am getting.
If anyone has this please reply Or private message .I iunderstand its a bit sensitive but the gp, like previous ones, tells me to relax. ... !! I have been trying the past few days but turned to google for info and found some thingd i wish i hadn't.
A message from someone who knows what pfd is like would be very much appreciated.
Thanks for reading.

30-05-19, 23:11
Out of my depth here, but have you had any issues with constipation? The two usually go hand in hand.
Think its quite common in middle aged women particularly when they've had (several) children...
I'm really sorry I can't be of more help.

If constipation is an issue, try a stool softener (e.g. Docusate)
Leave the stimulants as a last resort because they can cause (very) uncomfortable cramping

Good luck

31-05-19, 09:26
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it.
No I have no issues with constipation.
My problems are caused by my physical reactions to anxiety which cause me to tense my muscles excessively and chest breathe rather than breathing from the diaphragm. This causes hypertonic pelvic floor muscles leading to worsening pelvic and abdominal pain.
I am going to persist with my breathing and relaxation exercises as I realise there is no quick fix. Just wondered if anyone had the same problem and any tips.

13-03-20, 23:52
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it.
No I have no issues with constipation.
My problems are caused by my physical reactions to anxiety which cause me to tense my muscles excessively and chest breathe rather than breathing from the diaphragm. This causes hypertonic pelvic floor muscles leading to worsening pelvic and abdominal pain.
I am going to persist with my breathing and relaxation exercises as I realise there is no quick fix. Just wondered if anyone had the same problem and any tips.

Did you resolve this? I also have a tight pelvic floor supposedly due to anxiety

16-03-20, 14:52
This YouTube channel has lots of videos for overactive / tight pelvic floor https://www.youtube.com/user/femfusionfitness

23-03-20, 08:58
Yes I have a hypertonic pelvic floor as well. It became especially bad after I had my second child almost 5 years ago and then the severe anxiety on top of it made it Even worse... My symptoms are mainly pain and UTI-like symptoms and pain during sex. Wish I could afford physical therapy, am afraid to just do it on my own in case I do it wrong and make everything worse!