View Full Version : Boil and Swollen Lymph Node

29-05-19, 22:29
So I've got a boil on my groin thigh area in the crease. Had it lanced yesterday at the dermatologist and prescribed 5 days of antibiotics. Freaking out ever since... He couldn't get a lot of pus out and today it seems just as hard maybe even a little bigger. Been checking my temperature like crazy (keep thinking the infection is spreading) highest 99.4.

Not sure what to do or think! Is it normal for it to still be hard and raised a day after lancing? does 99.4 suggest a problem?

Also on the lymph node. Day before I went to the doctor what I think is a lymph node directly above the boil got big and tender/sore. Doc could not confirm it was a lymph node said it seemed deeper but skin was his thing not lymph nodes so said to follow up with GP -- can't get in there for over a week so pretty freaked out!

30-05-19, 00:32
does 99.4 suggest a problem?

99.4 is not considered a fever.

Positive thoughts

30-05-19, 22:30
Anyone know if it's normal to still be swollen after lancing? How long does it take to go down?

30-05-19, 23:09
Working in a cancer hospital, I can assure you when sepsis sets in (a relatively common occurrence in cancer pts) they are not "checking their temperature" and "posting on internet forums asking if people think they have sepsis". They're on their back feeling extremely ill and being blue lighted to the hospital. So we can rule that out with you immediately.

Nodes swell for a lot of reasons. Swollen lymph nodes can even occur when someone has head lice! So swollen nodes in the area located beside the boil is a very normal thing.

​You have nothing to worry about. Good luck

04-06-19, 04:48
So the boil still feels hard, the skin looks a little better but the lump is still there after they lanced it and the lymph node is still feeling weird so I'm starting to panic

04-06-19, 13:26
So the boil still feels hard, the skin looks a little better but the lump is still there after they lanced it and the lymph node is still feeling weird so I'm starting to panic

Its been less than a week. It typically can take up to two weeks or more for resolution. The fact its getting better is a positive,

Positive thoughts

05-06-19, 05:52
So the skin looks less purple but the hard nodule is still under the skin, starting to panic that maybe it wasn't a boil maybe the doctor was wrong and maybe he accidentally lanced an actual lymph node... Freaking out!