View Full Version : Nasal cancer fears

30-05-19, 08:02
Hi. I have bad HA. I'm 32 F. In the middle of March, I had a series of colds thanks to my children. In mid April, I found a lymph node up (right mandibular) just under my earlobe. It's remained there for 6 weeks now (hasn't got bigger or smaller). My GP and a general medicine doctor both said it has "features of a benign lymph node" and didn't feel the need to do any imaging.
In the middle of April, I took antibiotics as I was getting lots of mucous with blood in it. Had a normal chest xray. The antibiotics helped for a little bit and then the thick mucous has remained (only in the mornings), sometimes blood streaked in the morning, but mostly coming from my nose. I don't blow my nose but instead hock it back (I know it's gross) so it ends up in my mouth. It's thick and yellow but then there's still an excess mucous later in the day but not blood stained or thick. My GP has given me some nose spray and said if it's not gone in a week I'll get an ENT referral. Apparently nasopharyngeal cancer has cause these symptoms, and a quick Google suggests that the symptoms of the lymph node and mucous/blood tinged points to that diagnosis. I have no cough so it's not bronchitis. I'm really scared.

04-06-19, 09:01
anyone? :(

04-06-19, 09:27
You have symptoms that tally with the colds you've had, and 'hocking it back' actually makes it worse.

I would suggest blowing your nose more and banning yourself from Google.

05-06-19, 00:29
and a quick Google suggests

Well there ya have it if Google says it must be true, you have
nasopharyngeal cancer.