View Full Version : going to ask doctor

14-09-07, 08:53
well back again worrying about lung cancer .
I have a appointmnet today with doctor that was booked last time i saw her regarding anxiaty, after having my copd check done on monday this week i am now totaly baffled as nurse says i dont need the inhaler doctor gave me ???
still got the cough and the phlem and still got friends telling me it could be lung cancer .
so have decided that this morning i am going to ask doctor what it is i have got and is she sure am not going to leave till i get some answers maybe will get thrown out
because i wont google a friend did without me knowing and said god everything you have difficult breathing, cough, phlem loss of wieght not wanting to eat all relates to lung cancer good friend eh
also going to ask doctor about medication for anxiaty wouldnt take it before but think i might give it a try to see if it helps
I am so fed up with this health anxiaty that if i dont get reasurance soon it is going to drive me mad

14-09-07, 09:01
Syl :hugs: What kind of friends have you got hun eh? It beggars belief that people could be telling you that you have lung cancer hun :hugs: don't they realise how much damage they are doing to your poor mind. I remember when I had myself completely convinced I had kidney cancer. I had all the symptoms and I couldnt get the idea out of my head that I had it. It was a very bad time for me with my health anxiety so I kow what your going through Syl hun. We are our own worst enemies when we diagnose because our minds blow it out of all proportion and we make ourselves ill with worry I've been there many times. If I was you I'd dump that friend because with friends like that you dont need enemies. Have a chat with the doc today hun and let me know how it goes :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

14-09-07, 09:23
Hi Sly :hugs:

I have replied on your other thread, but thought I would add a little more here, hope you don't mind :hugs:

I am shocked :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: at what your freinds are telling you, are they, specealist????????? I am also shocked that a NURSE, can tell you, you don't need an inhaler, is this not for specialist to decide?

My friend had the same fears as you, as I have said in the other thread, she has probs with her lungs, she is under the hospital now, she has had chest e-xrays AND SHE DOES NOT have cancer. :yesyes: all her symptoms are realted to her lungs probs, she has emphaseama (ohhh spell check)

It is great to hear you are going back to the doc's, tell him?her, just how bad this is making you feel, we all need answers, peace of mind goes along way. YOU have every right to ask for more test, if that is what you want.

Please let us know how you get on

You take care :hugs: :hugs: :flowers:


14-09-07, 09:36
Hi Syl,

google by proxy eh! Hope you get on ok at the docs and get some reassurance. Write down what you want to ask i do (shopping list lol)


anx xx

14-09-07, 10:00
Hi Syl,

I'm so sorry you're going through a tough time :hugs:

I think going back to the doctor and asking straight out "Is there a chance I have lung cancer?" is a good thing. A straight question can sometimes get a straight answer from a GP! Sometimes, when I do the direct question thing, my GP laughs at my absurdity...and I find it quite relieving! I know it's not the best way to deal with a patient but sometimes knowing your doc thinks you're daft can help.

I also think Manmoor is right - distance yourself from your doom-monger of a friend. Purging negativity from your life can really help anxiety sufferers like us, cos it takes away unnecessary stress. I recently ended a very negative relationship and feel SO much better for doing so, much more able to cope without the added burden of a 'dead weight'.

Hmm, long waffly post, sorry! But good luck at the doc's. As others have said, lung cancer is an unlikely diagnosis, but getting definite answers will ease your mind. :)


Anna. x

14-09-07, 17:37
Hi Syl,
Sorry to hear you are having the anxiety attacks again. I wouldn't worry about having lung cancer. It sounds more like a common chest infection to me and I am sure a course of antibiotics would clear it up. Did you manage to stop smoking yet?
I expect you are too stressed and anxious to even think about that just now. It's good news that after your COPD test,they have told you you don't need the inhaler. Did they tell you what level of COPD you have? Mine was on the low side of normal Not brilliant,but they don't want to see me at the hospital again unless it gets worse,and are happy to let the GP's manage it. I have to make sure I get the annual flu jab.
I also think that if you are not eating through all this stress,then of course your weight is going to come down,so please don't read anything sinister in to that.
Although I gave up the fags 2 years ago,I get breathless walking up stairs and hills,and always seem to be choked up with catarrh. A legacy from all the years of smoking.
If you feel down and would like a chat,then e mail me at anytime. I have MSN and if you have it too ,we can chat any time you feel like it.
Take care,

14-09-07, 18:19
Totally agree with the others hun - diagnosises are best left to the qualified medical folk rather than well meaning 'friends'!!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-09-07, 19:58
well spend 45min in with the doctor would have made other patients late but doctor didnt seem concerned about how long i was in with her
i took my list of worrys with me and she said the thing about the inhalers is that i am border line between copd and asthma so i need inhaler if i get very breathless but she said a lot of the breathleness was down to anxiaty and that i shouldnt listen to so called friends unless they were consultants in a very large hospital lol
she then went on to say that my anxiaty would have got worse because i have just started cbt and that jogs your memory about things you dont like
she said she would put me on medication but knowing how my stomach was she recomended i tried a herbal remedy first and she gave me the name of one Passiflora complex you take 20 drops in a little water twice a day as doctor said it might be better for me if not we can try medication gort to go back and see her in a month
she assured me the results from the hospital in 2002 was that i had slight copd and not lung cancer also she gave me patches to try and stop smoking as that is not helping me
so thanks for all your messages at least feel a little easier tonight
laugh was when i was leaving doctor said sylvia bear in mind you worry about lung cancer and you could walk across the road and get hit my a bus
then she said and dont worry about getting hit by anything you are to carefull lol

14-09-07, 20:30
Forgot to say i have decided i am going away on sunday to look for somewere new to live so mandy stand by your mobile lol

15-09-07, 10:14
Syl :hugs: Glad your in better form now hun :yesyes: I'll have my mobile at the ready on Sunday lol. Good luck with the house hunting and I'm here if you need me :hugs: xxxxx

16-09-07, 20:05
Hi Syl :hugs:

Its good to hear how things went at the doc' s, it sounds like she has put your fears to rest, thats great :yesyes:

Good luck with the house hunting, there IS a house out there, with YOUR name on it :yesyes:

You take care


16-09-07, 20:35
Happy that you got a good result from ur doc :yesyes: . They do put your mind at ease. I was reading your initial post and was a bit horrified with your friend...don't worry my mom does the same to me. I guess if people don't have the same magnitude of anxiety they don't understand how things effect you. Good luck with your house hunting :D