View Full Version : Was this a panic attack? Scariest symptom ever.

31-05-19, 01:18
I was just lying in bed trying to sleep. I couldn’t sleep because I was worried about going blind (don’t even ask). My bodies been aching today, probably cause of stress so I’m already hyper aware of it.

All of a sudden I got a slight cramp in my left calf. I moved my leg to get rid of it and that’s when I noticed I felt really weak. I started to freak out and jumped out of bed to check I could stand. The weakness seemed to mostly be in my left leg and arm so of course this freaked me out more. I think I felt it in my right side a bit too but it was hard to tell with all the panicking. I could stand ok and I sat back down again and my leg started to feel really weird, like kind of tingling so I ran into my mums room just in case I needed to go to hospital. As I was pacing up and down her room the feeling started to go and I was left just shaking.

I’m now back in bed but so freaked out at what the hell just happened, I also had pain at the back of my head while this was going on so I’m scared it was a stroke. My mum was saying I’m too young for a stroke (I’m 20) but you can get them at any age, it was either that or a seizure, as I read seizures can present as tingling. I’m so scared.

31-05-19, 01:54
Panic attacks are just awful. I'm sorry you're feeling so terribly. It sounds like you got a slight muscle cramp in your leg and it sparked a panic attack.

31-05-19, 02:28
Panic attacks are just awful. I'm sorry you're feeling so terribly. It sounds like you got a slight muscle cramp in your leg and it sparked a panic attack.

Weakness and cramps occur together too. With it going off as you moved it's more likely something like this than what you are fearing. The rest being panic your body is now needing to calm down, and it was already hyper before as you stated, so the best thing to do distract yourself from this by doing things to keep your mind busy elsewhere and see it reduce,