View Full Version : Some one please advice

14-09-07, 09:05
Hey me and my anxiety are at eachothers throats fighting a war

I had my hair dyed last night and i'm pretty sure that i've used that kind before and before my anxiety i wouldn't have worried at all, but just after i had it put on i panicked that i was having an allergic reaction, and i think i was bringing the symotoms on anyway i lasted untill it was time to take it off and was in a right anxiety state, i went straight home and went to bed. i woke up this morning convinced that my brain has swollen inside my head, how silly is that.

i just need reassurance as i think i'm about to drop dead at my desk

its been 12 hours since i had it done




14-09-07, 09:22
Hi Sammi,

Hope this helps ease your mind hun. Everytime I have my hair dyed my scalp stings like h***. You are not silly thinking like this as I remember once I diagnosed toenail cancer now THAT is silly lol. xxx

14-09-07, 09:31
Hi Sammi,

theres definately no way that hair dye can effect your brain. If you has a reaction it would cause your scalp to be irritated as mandy says.
Your not silly at all, i self diagnosed rabbies from a bat we found in our garden the other night:blush: (and i hadnt even touched it).

anx xx

14-09-07, 09:32
Hi Sammi

I know that if you have a reaction to a dye, it would have shown itself by now, specialy after 12 hours, a reaction, to a dye shows outwood symptoms, NOT the feeling that the brian is swelling, this is Mrs anxeity playing with you hun. I know its dame hard hun, but please try not to worry.

Now you know what may trigger your anxiety, next time you get your hair done, ask them to do a 4 hour test, this means, you go to the hairdresses, they put a bit of the dye behind your ears, wait 4 hours, then come back, this little test shows if people will react to the dye, for you, doing it this way, will help you sooooo much, peace of mind goes along way.

You take care


14-09-07, 10:01
It says it can take up 2 48 hours. really scared :(

14-09-07, 10:07

Sammi hon, please don't worry! As previous posters have said, allergic reactions to dye are mostly to do with the skin....itching, a burning sensation, irritation etc. Chemicals in hair dye can cause other problems with the body but you'd have to, like, work in a hair dye factory, or use it every week for years!!

Grab a piece of paper, write on it each hour of the day starting now, and when it gets to 11am, write next to 11am on the paper 'still alive, still feel well'. Do this all day. You'll see at the end that you are still alive, and still feel well!! :)

Obviously if you notice skin irritation - don't panic! - just ask the hairdressers to do the test Jill spoke of, or ask for a brand made for sensitive skin.

Take care,

Anna. x

14-09-07, 11:09
Hi Sammi

The worst that could happen is your head would itch. Nine times out of ten, the itch will go away on its own anyway but even if it was bad, ur GP would sort it out in a second. Even popping to Boots and spking to the chemist would probably be enough to find something to relieve it. So basically, ur brain aint gonna swell (wouldnt it be cool to say your brain is twice the size of everyone else's? :) ), you might bet a bit itchy, if you do then get down to Boots and make sure you check the type of dye they gonna use next time.

BTW, the 48 hr thing - its v unlikely you would get nothing for 48 hrs then bam the reaction hits. It would be a slow build up over the 48 hrs. If you've had ur hair dyed before, even if it was a different dye, you prob would have shown some reaction in ther past cos they are all pretty much made of the same stuff

Ull be just fine honey Im sure you will xx msn me if you need to xx

14-09-07, 11:56
Well its 12 and i'm still panicking,

no other symptoms just got a really tight face, slight headache, face feels swollen but isn't and getting warm sensations around my scalp

oh well
