View Full Version : Normal period?

21-05-19, 17:42
So today I had a few mild twinges in the described area. my period IS due so logic tells me it's related to that. Anxiety thinks it's related to cervical cancer as I have my 6 month cure test coming up next month after they removed cells and it's all I've been thinking about lately.

21-05-19, 18:43
What's a cure test?

It will be your period so no issues there and no cancer.

21-05-19, 18:43

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


21-05-19, 20:36
Nic, it's a cure smear to check how the cervix is doing of all cells are gone and no abnormalities left. It's six months after LLETZ treatment.

21-05-19, 21:20
Ahh ok well good luck with that.

22-05-19, 19:19
Thank you.

So twinges acrors bellly and pelvic are period cramps?

22-05-19, 19:27
Can be babe! Also something as simple as what u ate or gas pains - simple things are usually the answer but I understand your stress I have CIN1 changes and I have to have a retest in October to see if they have cleared or stayed the same or got worse and it’s bloody stressful waiting!

25-05-19, 10:44
I examined myself today and opening legs and open vagina I see a bulbous bulge right in the centre. I am due on my period. I feel so sick with nerves. Is this my cervix? What does it mean? I had high grade cells taken off in January. Are they back? Worse?

Please help.

25-05-19, 11:16
I can put my finger up and past what I think was my cervix. I don't think I would be able to do this if it was my cervix.

25-05-19, 11:57
Are you bored today, Helen? I doubt you'll find much up there :wacko:

25-05-19, 12:35
Way too much info :wacko:

25-05-19, 12:35

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


25-05-19, 12:48
Are you bored today, Helen? I doubt you'll find much up there :wacko:Can you remember that Tommy Cooper sketch where he was standing in front of the stage curtains pulling increasingly larger items out of a sack? :roflmao:

25-05-19, 12:52
Can you remember that Tommy Cooper sketch where he was standing in front of the stage curtains pulling increasingly larger items out of a sack? :roflmao:

Just like that! :roflmao:

25-05-19, 13:15
Helen, I'd explain, but it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference.

25-05-19, 13:35
Just like that! :roflmao:

:roflmao::http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/mystic/h0536.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/h-mystic.php)

25-05-19, 14:58
What on earth are you trying to do?

25-05-19, 15:30
I examined myself today and opening legs and open vagina I see a bulbous bulge right in the centre. I am due on my period. I feel so sick with nerves. Is this my cervix? What does it mean? I had high grade cells taken off in January. Are they back? Worse?

I can put my finger up and past what I think was my cervix. I don't think I would be able to do this if it was my cervix.

Please help.


Positive thoughts

25-05-19, 17:00
Holy moley. Possibly not the right phrase, given the context!

Incidentally, you can't put your finger through your cervix, that isn't how the human body is. You wouldn't see your cervix without a speculum, mirror, loads of lube and an ability to bend your head at odd angles. Even then, chances are you wouldn't see it. Just stop what you are doing; I hope nobody answers about your cervix questions, as there is no way people should be judging that most internal part of the body.

25-05-19, 17:05
Holy moley. Possibly not the right phrase, given the context!Incidentally, you can't put your finger through your cervix, that isn't how the human body is. You wouldn't see your cervix without a speculum, mirror, loads of lube and an ability to bend your head at odd angles. Even then, chances are you wouldn't see it. Just stop what you are doing; I hope nobody answers about your cervix questions, as there is no way people should be judging that most internal part of the body.Sounds like an act we might see on Britain's Got Talent :whistles:

25-05-19, 21:27
Your cervix goes through different stages high medium and low when you are low your cervix will be in low position people often use this method to check when fertile . I strongly suggest if your concerned go back to drs they should be monitoring you anyway and hopefully they will put your mind at ease as people in here are not to trained to give you medical advice . By seeing dr at best your can put your mind at rest x

26-05-19, 05:12

28-05-19, 15:30
Helen - you've have a baby recently and the bulge you feel is almost certainly caused by the weakening of your pelvic floor allowing everything to droop a bit. I experienced the exact same thing a few months after pregnancy and went to my OB terrified that I had a tumor or something bulging out. His response was, "Nope, that's all you!" It's extremely common because everything is kind of out of place once you've had a baby. It's not your cervix, but just the wall of your vagina being pushed down a bit. Mention to your doctor when you go for your check and I'm sure they'll tell you the same.


28-05-19, 17:19
I'm having a spiral today and as my check up is closer I'm even more scared.

Do you or have you had sharp pains in vulva whilst on period? I'm worried it's linked to cervical cancer and they didn't take all the bad cells away OR they did and it's come back. It's sharp pains in inner vaginal lips (sorry for tmi).

28-05-19, 18:04
I'm having a spiral today and as my check up is closer I'm even more scared.

Do you or have you had sharp pains in vulva whilst on period? I'm worried it's linked to cervical cancer and they didn't take all the bad cells away OR they did and it's come back. It's sharp pains in inner vaginal lips (sorry for tmi).

That is normal as that area can swell during your period.

28-05-19, 20:17
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


29-05-19, 10:10
I'm so incredibly anxious these last few days. With aches in my vulva and sharp pains in my vagina lips. I am on my period, nearing the end now. Started as had lower ab cramps and pelivx cramps as period was due. Last time I had sex no pain or bleeding but I'm scared to have sex again in case there is and I was worry further.

31-05-19, 10:16
Day 6 of my period and bleeding has stopped but sometimes have creamy yellow discharge with tiny bit of browny blood in when I wipe. Is this normal? I'm having a panic attack.

31-05-19, 10:19
Helen, this isn't your first period.

31-05-19, 10:20
Is it normal to have yellowy browny bloody discharge on day 6 of period? Can't think logically at the moment. In this spiral due to check up next month.

31-05-19, 10:21
Sorry I know I'm being weird but I need a yes or a no.

31-05-19, 10:29

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


31-05-19, 10:37
Is this normal? I can't focus on anything.

31-05-19, 10:42
This is why you need to start working properly on your anxiety - as an adult, you need to be able to rely on yourself to answer these questions.

31-05-19, 10:56
Logic says yes, it's normal end of period last bits of blood ect.

Anxiety screams CERVICAL CANCER!

31-05-19, 11:44
Well,seeing as I'm on day 10 of yellow/brown/bloody discharge, and it is common, especially at day 6 (which isn't officially the end of a period anyway!) then YES. I don't like the question 'is it normal', everyones' normal is different, the real question is 'is it something I should be concerned about'? Seeing as you are an adult, with experience of many periods during your life, I'd be amazed if you've not had this happen before...really ?!

31-05-19, 15:33
What happened with the treatment you were going to get for the anxiety?

I feel for you, I really do. I WAS you at this stage after my daughter was born and I still kick myself for not getting help sooner and losing so much quality time with her.

I think what you should do is write down every question you have about your body right now. ::gets on soap box:: I really do think that doctors do a disservice to women by not at all explaining all the changes our bodies are likely to go through after having babies. I feel like even 5 years out I'm still learning new things about my body that it would have been so easy to just go over with me at my 6 week postpartum appointment or - better yet - when I was still pregnant! Some of these things include:

1. major changes to our periods/cycle
2. changes to our pelvic floor that can cause: urinary issues, pain, bowel issues, etc...
3. hemorrhoids that can come and go or stick around for life
4. mood and mental health changes
5. changes to skin, hair, nails, etc...
6. general hormonal changes
7. overall body changes that can cause back pain, nerve pain, etc...
8. abdominal muscle separation and other core weakness

Women go through so so much when we have children and I think society just kind of accepts that all of this is normal. But, it's not normal to go through all kinds of major mental and physical changes without warning or support. ::gets off soap box::

01-06-19, 20:21
So through inspection I've noticed a tiny freckle on vulva and then further down a bigger mole near the place I was cut when I gave birth.

01-06-19, 20:32
Stop examining yourself. Also, you can get moles anywhere on your body.

01-06-19, 20:37
Please stop creating multiple threads - we have told you about this before. Thanks

01-06-19, 20:43
It's biggish. Should I go to the doctor?

01-06-19, 22:30
Do what you feel is best

02-06-19, 18:36
What happened with the treatment you were going to get for the anxiety?

I feel for you, I really do. I WAS you at this stage after my daughter was born and I still kick myself for not getting help sooner and losing so much quality time with her.

I think what you should do is write down every question you have about your body right now. ::gets on soap box:: I really do think that doctors do a disservice to women by not at all explaining all the changes our bodies are likely to go through after having babies. I feel like even 5 years out I'm still learning new things about my body that it would have been so easy to just go over with me at my 6 week postpartum appointment or - better yet - when I was still pregnant! Some of these things include:

1. major changes to our periods/cycle
2. changes to our pelvic floor that can cause: urinary issues, pain, bowel issues, etc...
3. hemorrhoids that can come and go or stick around for life
4. mood and mental health changes
5. changes to skin, hair, nails, etc...
6. general hormonal changes
7. overall body changes that can cause back pain, nerve pain, etc...
8. abdominal muscle separation and other core weakness

Women go through so so much when we have children and I think society just kind of accepts that all of this is normal. But, it's not normal to go through all kinds of major mental and physical changes without warning or support. ::gets off soap box::

Reb this is an excellent post, please read it and acknowledge it

03-06-19, 10:07
Thank you for your psot ErinKC. Does this cover feeling uncomfortable when sitting sometimes. Like the just given birth feeling.

I'm down this whole vagina cancer route now and more so now I've read it's caused by the HPV which I assume I still have after my LLETZ for CIN3 (removed clear margins but hpv typically sticks around). Most cases are over 65 year olds. But I'm in that 'i could be one of the rare ones'

I'm worried about the mole on my vagina which isn't caused my HPV but then I had random soreness by entrance which may be caused by all my prodding this last week. I don't have any typical vulva cancer signs. No lumps, itching, bleeding or pain. But I want to look more inside which is gross and weird. I want to make sure I haven't missed a potential lump. But I'm still convinced because I have slight irritation down there. But I have been prodding my vagina this last week. Ugh.

I couldn't even gave sex the other day because I was thinking vagina cancer cervical cancer. My poor boyfriend was doing all the smoozing and I was just not interested. We didn't have sex but still fooled around and I couldn't enjoy even that. I was worried if we had sex and he felt a lump. Or if we did and I felt pain or bled.

Sorry for the essay.

03-06-19, 10:53
I couldn't even gave sex the other day because I was thinking vagina cancer cervical cancer. My poor boyfriend was doing all the smoozing and I was just not interested. We didn't have sex but still fooled around and I couldn't enjoy even that. I was worried if we had sex and he felt a lump. Or if we did and I felt pain or bled.

Apologies for upcoming TMI, but... you need to march down to the GP NOW, Helen, and demand that they offer you help with your anxiety. My sex life has been next to nonexistent for the past three or four years because of my HA - I get terrified I'll bleed, or that I'll feel a melanoma on my husband's back. He's my best friend and the most attractive man I know, but for a very long time even the thought of sexual contact frightened and revolted me, and the guilt only made it worse. Things are getting better now, but it's taken a long time and far more patience on his part than I deserve.

Please, take care of your real health problems rather than the imaginary ones?

03-06-19, 16:26
Like I feel twinges still right near enterance. I've made appointment for two weeks time and worried they'll see a lump on cervix or near where I've said. Scared of cervical or vulva cancer

03-06-19, 16:39
It's a bit rude to not even acknowledge somebody when they open their heart and tell you about their very personal experiences in the hope it will offer guidance. I'll think twice about doing this again, at least with people who haven't actively shown a willingness to listen.

03-06-19, 16:46
Sorry Blue I didn't see your reply.

I am sorry you're going through all of that, that's what I'm like currently and worry it'll become long term. My boyfriend jokes I don't find him attractive but I think there's an ounce of knock on his confidence.

I just put my finger up inside again. Definitely can't be my cervix that I see if my finger goes up and past it can it? It's this entrance where I have the sharp pains.

I need to stop looking too. It's a new 'thing' and I'm trawling the net finding articles that scare me and articles that relive me. Then looking at my own vagina

03-06-19, 16:49
I know it's tough because I struggle with it myself, but you really need to discipline yourself on this one. You won't get a representative idea of how things are by checking these parts because hardly anybody checks themself like that all the time - only people who are ill with health anxiety. All you'll get is an infection - again, I speak from experience here.

Also, take extra time to be kind to your boyfriend. He'll be hurting, even if he tries not to show it for your sake.

03-06-19, 17:22
You are not a gynecologist and have no idea what you are looking at / touching so please leave it alone and get back to having sex with your partner.

03-06-19, 19:24
You are not a gynecologist and have no idea what you are looking at / touching so please leave it alone and get back to having sex with your partner.

Ha! Best advice [emoji4]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-06-19, 23:26
Possible my vagina feels weird because of the prodding?

04-06-19, 04:46
Again, from experience? This definitely happens. It's almost certainly what's going on here. Keep on with the reasoning, you're doing brilliantly.

04-06-19, 16:49
I feel pretty ridiculous having a look now. I even googled vaginas and saw one that looks like mine. How low is that?

04-06-19, 16:52
We all have our moments of weakness. I remember feeling like I'd hit rock bottom when I realised I was looking at a page full of pictures of people's vaginal discharge.

04-06-19, 18:24
Do you even bother reading our replies Helen?

04-06-19, 20:22
I do Nic and I'm chatting to Blue atm.

I thought looking at my poo was low but nope. My vagina feels a little better today because I've not been poking about.

04-06-19, 20:47
Not surprising. You can make yourself really sore down there. If you can be strong and leave it alone, the pain will resolve. I know it's easier said than done, though.

04-06-19, 21:46
Hi Blue, I had a tiny twinge right by vagina entrance (vulva opening?) And haven't looked but wonder what it could be?

04-06-19, 21:50
If you're anything like me, sometimes twinges just happen. Maybe work on trying to pay less attention to bodily sensations?

04-06-19, 22:18
Have you not started therapy yet?

05-06-19, 10:19
Another twinge this morning and I put finger where it came from and it's the vaginal wall at the beginning. My anxiety is thinking cervical cancer pain. Slight spiral ahead.

No therapy starting yet.

05-06-19, 10:37
I caved and touched vagina again. I know touching it won't help it heal or get back to normal but I still do it.

I know I've had these before back when my HA wasn't so bad. Think I read it was common sometimes and left it. Now I'm in (trying to escape) this CC and VC spiral it's all I can think about.

I did resit the urge to look though.

05-06-19, 10:55
Another twinge this morning and I put finger where it came from and it's the vaginal wall at the beginning.

Normal brain - feels twinge.......... thinks nothing of it gets on with their day


Do you have a 'normal' brain? or do you have HA?

Ps, If you concentrate on an area for long enough to see if you have any strange sensations then you WILL feel a strange sensation...

05-06-19, 11:11
I know venus. I'm just trying to call the hospital where I had precancerous cells Lasered off to double check they took them all (clear margins) because HA worries some were left and now probably developed. I know the doctor at my GP surgery told me they were and I know the nurse at the hospital told me they were but HA wants reassurance once more.

It's because my six month check up is closer and I'm so scared.

05-06-19, 11:14
I'm upset now because I've been sat googling and my baby has put themselves to sleep. They weren't crying for me and I'm sat next to them but I've been on my phone and I never normally am.

Possible that I'm noticing it because I'm thinking about it?

05-06-19, 11:24
Helen, I'm snowed under with work right now and shouldn't really be here, but if your HA is getting you to this point, as I've stated before, you urgently need to be taking action.

05-06-19, 11:36
Sorry Blue but I do appreciate you're advice. Rang the hospital and she was understabbly narked with me. She couldn't tell me the results (even though I know them) but my recall date is end of July. Sometimes it feels sore to sit directly on my vagina. Is that just standard after giving birth eight month ago?

05-06-19, 11:40
I don't have kids, but I know if I'm sitting in the same spot for a while I get uncomfortable. As others have said, focusing on it will also make it seem worse than it is.

05-06-19, 13:49
Why hasn't your therapy started - you said ages ago it was within weeks.

05-06-19, 14:07
Do yourself a favour, log out and go and do something with your baby.

05-06-19, 19:26
So after prodding I felt discomfort in my vagina all day :( I worry they missed some cells and it's developed.

05-06-19, 19:58
ffs Reb what else would you expect?

Once again get off here and do something better for you instead

05-06-19, 21:09
I'm still having twinges at entrance.

I also had shooting pain in chest when I lay down quickly. What if it's advanced? I'm so scared now.

05-06-19, 22:42
Using logic. Back ache and left sided ovary pain BUT it is the day I ovulate according to calculator.

05-06-19, 22:42
STOP IT and leave it alone for goodness sake. There is nothing wrong with you

05-06-19, 22:43
Why hasn't your therapy started - you said ages ago it was within weeks.

still ignoring us see

06-06-19, 09:12
I'm still on waiting list, I was due to start it but they changed location and my address wasn't covered.

I've been reading threads on recurring CIN.

06-06-19, 09:13
Why do you do this when you know it will only intensify the anxiety?

06-06-19, 10:48
I don't know.

Is it likely that my vagina feels irritation because of the poking the past week. It didn't feel this way until after I started messing.

06-06-19, 11:09
I've just found a thread of a woman who had similar feeling before she was diagnosed with CC.

06-06-19, 11:17
This is because you went looking for it. People don't tend to write about things that turn out to be nothing.

06-06-19, 11:38
I just have a horrible feeling it's cc. I know this feeling started after I prodded about. But it's day two now of fullness dragging feeling.

06-06-19, 11:41
That's because it's all you're thinking about all the time.

06-06-19, 12:46
If you won't stop poking and prodding then it will never get better. leave it alone and stop googling.

Does your partner not get fed up of you acting this way and ignoring him sexually ?

Enjoy the baby more - you do not have cancer and never have had it.

07-06-19, 12:06
He's understanding, we don't have a lot of sex anyway.

Now I've seen that poor girl who was ignored for months and months and now had little time left to live after being diagnosed with CC.

I've realised it's near my episiotomy scar where the discomfort is coming from. Likely I aggravated it while poking?

07-06-19, 12:22
We keep telling you to leave it alone so what do you think?

09-06-19, 11:01
I've had a few instances of ache across the pubic bone, especially if I push it out. Right under my tum :(

09-06-19, 11:05
I keep searching likelihood of then missing cells and it turning into cancer and can't find one. The cells themselves can come back though. 5 months enough for CIN3 to come back and progress to cancer?

09-06-19, 13:35
I keep searching likelihood of then missing cells and it turning into cancer and can't find one. The cells themselves can come back though. 5 months enough for CIN3 to come back and progress to cancer?

Make an appointment with your doctor to go over all your concerns. Can you get a direct appointment with a gynecologist there?

09-06-19, 15:31
I have, next Monday. My check up for the cervix itself and repeat smear is end of July. It's affecting my whole life to the point I feel nothing except love for my child. That's it, nothing else

11-06-19, 22:59
What are your symptoms? I have sharp papercut feelings across my labia and inside near the vagina entrance. This isn't a HA query as such, more logical than most my questions.

*I am seeing doctor next week just after more information

11-06-19, 23:43
You need to try and address your health anxiety your making anxious prediction and showing checking behaviours . You need to check in with yourself tell yourself it just your anxiety making you think like this and use your child as a reason to address your anxiety x

12-06-19, 07:49

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

16-06-19, 18:15
I had booked doctor appointment for my vagina worries and it's tomorrow and I'm too nervous too go. The original issue had gone away but playing up today. I'm so so so scared they'll see something bad. Or say my cervix is a mess or a growth or something. I've still not had sex because I'm scared incase it hurts or I bleed. Not that I do but it's a fear.

16-06-19, 18:19
Don't worry about it for now, think about it tomorrow.

16-06-19, 18:30
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


16-06-19, 19:27
Do not skip your doctor's appointment.

22-06-19, 15:48
'Of the cervical cancers related to HPV, about 70% are caused by 2 strains: HPV-16 or HPV-18'

Does this mean because I had/have HPV and had cells removed there's 70% I'll eventually get CERVICAL cancer?

22-06-19, 15:55
Not even close. It means that of the women who develop cervical cancer due to HPV, 70% of those women have one of those two strains. So, if you have 100 women who got cervical cancer due to HPV, 70 of those women will have had one of those two strains.

This stat is only talking about people who actually get cancer. You had your precancerous cells removed, which prevents you from getting cancer.

22-06-19, 21:52
You can possibly even clear HPV also - tbh I think it’s not worth worrying about too much because it’s one of those things you can do almost nothing about - I have had an abnormal smear last year showing I had HPV and CIN1 changes which they leave a year to see if I clear it - then retest ... and I’ve had the cervical cancer vaccine - so what I mean is I’ve taken most of the precaution u can and still got it - there are about 13 high risk strains - 16 as 18 cause most cervical cancers but the others are also classed high risk so even though I know I don’t have 16 and 18, I have one of the others I guess ... and there is literally sod all I can do about it! Just always attend smears and that’s all u can do!

22-06-19, 22:06
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


22-06-19, 22:14
It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


C'mon Emmz... size seven font in red is just a little bit personal :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

23-06-19, 10:40
C'mon Emmz... size seven font in red is just a little bit personal :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

Sadly I can't make it any bigger :lac:

23-06-19, 21:46
I read it in a very SHOUTY VOICE :roflmao: