View Full Version : Eyes!

31-05-19, 11:57
Hey everyone,

I'm really struggling with my health anxiety at the moment, it started off with my ears and hearing ringing/noises in them and has gone from there. I'm terrified I'm going to have a stroke. I have been having troubles with my eyes, firstly seeing flashes of light on and off and secondly and the one that is freaking me out the most is losing some of my vision for a second or two. I made the mistake of googling it and saw that it said that this can be a warning sign that you are going to have a stroke or that an artery is blocked. It said that this type of stroke can lead to blindness and in worse case death. I have now got myself so worked up I can't think of anything else. I went to the opticians yesterday and she couldn't find anything wrong but couldn't explain the vision loss. She has asked me to come back on friday (next) to have my pupils dilated. I also had to do the visual field test in each eye, which started off really well but when I got to the end of the left eye all of a sudden I had like a grey shadow appear in the bottom corner, I could still see the lights and passed the test but I wasn't able to talk to the optician about it as she had another patient. I am driving myself mad was this? If anyone could help me I would be grateful! :)

31-05-19, 13:35
Anxiety can definitely affect your eyes. When I start worrying about my eyes my vision gets way worse, and my eyes are one of my main worries. Been worrying about them since I was 13 I’m now 20. Not had a stroke...yet. I get flashes and other things. I would go into detail but I’m not sure that what be very helpful and I don’t have time to type all that now.

I wouldn’t worry if they didn’t find anything at the exam you are probably fine. Stress can cause pressure behind your eye and excess fluid so that is likely the cause. This clears up on its own and doesn’t cause permanent damage btw.

31-05-19, 16:42
Anxiety can definitely affect your eyes. When I start worrying about my eyes my vision gets way worse, and my eyes are one of my main worries. Been worrying about them since I was 13 I’m now 20. Not had a stroke...yet. I get flashes and other things. I would go into detail but I’m not sure that what be very helpful and I don’t have time to type all that now.

I wouldn’t worry if they didn’t find anything at the exam you are probably fine. Stress can cause pressure behind your eye and excess fluid so that is likely the cause. This clears up on its own and doesn’t cause permanent damage btw.

Thank you for your reply :) I’m really struggling at the moment and can’t think of anything else! I agree with what you say though the more you worry about your eyes the more you notice things and the worse they get.

I’m trying not to worry and most of the field test went fine, there is just a part of me wondering if the shadow was a tumour? It was only there for a second but I’ve never had it before.

31-05-19, 17:20
Thank you for your reply :) I’m really struggling at the moment and can’t think of anything else! I agree with what you say though the more you worry about your eyes the more you notice things and the worse they get.

I’m trying not to worry and most of the field test went fine, there is just a part of me wondering if the shadow was a tumour? It was only there for a second but I’ve never had it before.

It’s probably just a floater that is close to your retina so it’s casting a dark shadow.

06-06-19, 06:38
Anxiety can definitely affect your eyes. When I start worrying about my eyes my vision gets way worse, and my eyes are one of my main worries. Been worrying about them since I was 13 I’m now 20. Not had a stroke...yet. I get flashes and other things. I would go into detail but I’m not sure that what be very helpful and I don’t have time to type all that now.

I wouldn’t worry if they didn’t find anything at the exam you are probably fine. Stress can cause pressure behind your eye and excess fluid so that is likely the cause. This clears up on its own and doesn’t cause permanent damage btw.

Hi, and have you evee seen colourful dots outside on the pavement?it happened to me cca 5 times since autumn.When i am outside i can sometimes see for a second a small colourful dot,blob on the ground..road or steps...never indoor...i am fine...At the eye doctor last year all clear (incl. perimeter,refractometer,eye back control etc.).i am very anxious..maybe anxiety can cause this?thank you!

06-06-19, 13:14
Hi, and have you evee seen colourful dots outside on the pavement?it happened to me cca 5 times since autumn.When i am outside i can sometimes see for a second a small colourful dot,blob on the ground..road or steps...never indoor...i am fine...At the eye doctor last year all clear (incl. perimeter,refractometer,eye back control etc.).i am very anxious..maybe anxiety can cause this?thank you!

Cant say I have, but I see a lot of different things in my eyes especially outside. What exactly does it look like? What size are they? Do they move?

06-06-19, 15:34
No,they dont move...i see it litetally for a second, always on the ground, not before my eye..purple je blue..A blob...it is small...like a 1cm dot...

Cant say I have, but I see a lot of different things in my eyes especially outside. What exactly does it look like? What size are they? Do they move?

06-06-19, 21:49
No,they dont move...i see it litetally for a second, always on the ground, not before my eye..purple je blue..A blob...it is small...like a 1cm dot...

Sorry can’t say I have experienced that but if they didn’t find anything wrong then it’s probably just one of those things. If it’s only happening when looking at a certain place outside it’s probably nothing to worry about.