View Full Version : Problem with my appetite – hopefully due to anxiety!

31-05-19, 18:50
Hi, first time post so please bear with me.
I would describe myself as a very nervous person and havebeen for all of my 48 years.
For the last year I’ve been panicking that I have cancer.
My story is back in last June they found scarring behindmy eye in a routine eye test – this led me to 6 weeks of googling eye cancer.
I went to the hospital and they said it must have beendue to a fall and that was that.
I was so relieved but then in December I had a bad coughwith no other cold symptoms – this time I had lung cancer – cue more googling.
The cough left then I started to feel stomach problems –so of course I googled bowel cancer/stomach cancer.
I have got myself into such a mess over this withconstant worry for the last 6 months.
My blood work has come back fine for inflammation – full bloodcount/ECR and CRP. I have also had a FIT test which was negative. Also noHelicobacter Pylori or coeliac disease.
I managed to persuade my Dr. to let me see a Gasto Dr.and he carried out a routine examination and didn’t believe there was anythingwrong with me but I’m getting a Gastrocopy next Thursday.
I am such a mess psychologically – now I’ve managed toconvince myself that I can’t eat properly it’s like Pavlov’s dog I’vepre-empted mealtimes by worrying I’m going to not eat and end up an emaciatedshell.
Does anyone know how to address chronic anxiety aroundfood/meal-times. Or could point me towards similar threads?
I would really appreciate some words of comfort.

31-05-19, 20:40

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


31-05-19, 21:35
Hello - hi!
i don’t feel I know enough about you to make a judgment- and also of course I’m not a doctor..... but being in a “psychological mess” will certainly wreak havoc with your appetite. You are having a gastroscopy next week, which will reassure you about stomach cancer... but it sounds like you have been worrying about many things over the last few months. Do you know what triggered your health anxiety?

31-05-19, 22:11
Are you currently getting any real life professional help for your health anxiety?

Positive thoughts

kt xxx
04-06-19, 15:32
Hi, I could have posted this myself! I lost my appetite for a good 8weeks due to worrying. I was convinced I had stomach or bowel cancer. I didn’t eat or drink a thing for 6 days as my brain convinced me I was dying! I lost so much weight and linked that to having cancer, after many tests it turned out to be just a hernia. I had no idea stress and anxiety could cause loss of appetite until then. I’ve been really well for about 4 weeks but have started again with my constant worrying again it’s just a nightmare.
To get my appetite back I started to eat little and often and it soon returned, I wasn’t able to eat properly until I was told it wasn’t what I thought.