View Full Version : Little Victories

02-06-19, 03:17
Hey guys, I haven’t posted in a while almost 2 years. I visit the site frequently and feel for the people who post. I just wanted to share my recent problems. I was doing great for a solid 2 years until about 2 months ago. It’s so strange how anxiety works. I was just sitting there watching tv not doing a thing and my heart starts racing. Now it had been 2 years since I’ve had any panic attacks or HA episodes. I knew it was anxiety without a doubt in my mind, but I honestly forgot about how intense panic attacks are. I checked my pulse and at that moment I went down the spiral.

I called 911(I live in the states) and laid on the floor crying really thinking I was about to die. Of course I got checked out and was fine. Every since then my HA has been wild and out of control. I don’t have the panic attacks, just constant on edge .

But today I had my breath through and didn’t realize it my girlfriend had to tell me. Something happened ( not going to post what so I don’t trigger anyone) and I wasn’t phased at all, I just looked at her and said it’s probably nothing. That felt amazing to have something happen and say it’s probably nothing.

I’ve had HA for almost 7 years and this is the first time I wasn’t afraid. Honestly and this is the most important part is changing the way you think. The symptoms will always be there, we have trained our brains when our pulse races, we have stomach pains, headaches, or whatever your fear is, to panic when we feel those symptoms. So your subconscious mind instantly knows when X,Y,Z happens it needs to trigger anxiety.

By not panicking, by not checking your pulse when your heart races or checking g your breathing it teaches your sub conscience that these are normal things that we don’t need to worry about. It isn’t easy, for me it took years and was small steps. I use to check my pulse over 100 times a day. Each day I would check fewer and fewer times. It can be done and you can overcome it.

02-06-19, 04:54
Happy that you had a breakthrough. Thanks for posting your story.

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