View Full Version : missed heartbeats

14-09-07, 11:11
I started to get missed heartbeats, about a week ago maybe longer, Im not worried about them as I know they cant harm you! Yet deep down inside im CONCERNED! they are happening all day every ten mins from the moment I WAKE UP! until I go to sleep. I dont know if they happen while im asleep i ONLY KNOW AS SOON AS IM AWAKE THEY ARE THERE.I have been to see my doctor and she listened to my heart, and said it sounded normal at the time! Which I knew that would happen lol. I have to have bloods taken on Monday also a ecg!!! does anyone else have the same amount of skipped heartbeats . its the frequency of them that worries me ,PLEASE HELP! please would someone reply just one would be nice lol, its like they are in the botom of my throat when they skip, or pause, or whatever they are doing, thanks. x x x x

14-09-07, 18:52
Hi Leesa

I dont suffer with this problem myself, but there are lots of threads from others that do, take a look the common problem link http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=7794 it may reasure you that your not alone. Good luck with your appointment on Monday too.


14-09-07, 21:12
Also try the palpitations website page on the left - that will explain it more.