View Full Version : Deep pain in one eye, comes and goes

02-06-19, 19:24
I have had a stabbing pain come in go in one eye once in a while. Usually just once and it leaves. It sorta like a headache except the headache is not anywhere else.
Yesterday I had this for over 2-3 hours. Every few mins - 15 mins a stab-like throb would hit my left eye, deep in the back and be gone in 2 seconds.
I had been doing so well with my anxiety but it broke me down and I started to cry feeling defeated by this health anxiety beast. Each symptoms is a real one this time! My eyes esp. cause my tremendous anxiety b/c they are so closely connected to the brain I always worry about neurological things... I start thinking all types of things like I will need a MRI, they will find something terrible and all types of catosphroic thinking.
I took Tylenol last night after realizing the pain was not lessening. Started eye drops. Tylonal seems to lesson the severeity.
Today it is 70% better than yesterday. A bit of pain here or there but nothing as bad as yesterday evening... yet I still gotta get through the day. :(
I am in the middle of a cross taper from Zoloft onto Prozac
My eyes felt dry earlier this week

04-06-19, 18:02
Well no one has responded and I have some updates . Could really use some encouraging words from those who understand how terrible these fears are.
I made the mistake of all health anxiety mistakes (GOOGLE) which is very difficult to break the cycle (another topic) I found a headache type that sorta matches the stabbing eye pain I’ve been getting in the evenings. I read up on this and although it’s treatable you must have an MRI because it has a high correlation with brain abnormalities and tumors. That was enough to send me over the edge. Total break down. Left work and sat in church parking lot sobbing. Called my psychiatrist who said I don’t need to see a neurologist unless it’s been persisting for WEEKS . So now each day I wait to see if it returns. Not much last night but I also took and Advil. Y’all I’m freaked out. A neurologist scares me and a brain MRI PRTRIFIES me . I feel like I’m going to die. Please has anyone had multiple stabs or throbs in their deep eye orbit on the same side . I’m so scared!!!!!!
The headache disorder I came across is called proxysmal hemicrania

04-06-19, 18:40
Its apparent you're spiraling but what can be said other than you shot yourself in the foot here. You found something on Dr. Google that's ridiculously rare, doesn't match the symptom 100% and latched onto it. We could have pages of reassurance and 'there there's' but ultimately you have to listen to reality and logic. Your psychiatrist is 100% spot on. Also, have any of the fears you've posted in the last year and a half came to fruition? ;)

Positive thoughts

04-06-19, 19:32
Fishmanpa- Thank you so much for responding.:noangel: You are right, I am spiraling and its my own fault.
It's hard for me to see the reality and logic in this situation when overcome with fear. .... I'll try- the reality is I have a eye/ache. It will likely go away. It does not equal a BT. If it continues for weeks, I will see a doctor about it, even then it could be something simple.
None of my fears in the past have come to fruition. I have a horrible, horrible fear of BT and neurological issues.

I am curious how you know proxysmal hemicrania is rare. And how rare is it? I read that it's rare but I am not googling again to see how rare. I fit the criteria of a middle aged women.

My psychiatrist said if it is not gone in a few weeks time to contact a particular headache specialist (he gave me the name- best in area) Which kinda scared me! But I guess I'll put one foot in front of the other and try to carry on!

04-06-19, 20:02
I didn't know you were referring to proxysmal hemicrania, I assumed Dr. google gave you some rare disease like he always does. I never heard of it so I googled it for you and no way, no how! Based on statistics alone, you have a .00002% chance of having it and your symptoms don't even match!

Positive thoughts

04-06-19, 20:21
THANK YOU. That .00002% has never looks so good! How did you get that number, did you make it up or did you calculate it?
My symptoms are not an exact match but very close.
Thanks again Fishmmanpa!

04-06-19, 20:58
You're symptoms don't really come close to be honest and actually its .002 but still... c'mon :lac: They're like ice pic or cluster headaches, typically affect older people (40+) and very treatable anyway.

Positive thoughts

04-06-19, 21:25
Okay well .002 is still in my favor! I’m confused as to your last statement “they’re like ice pick ,cluster” did that intend to mean what I was feeling was similar to that or that the PH type headache is like those?
Thanks again for replying with me. It means a lot to not be alone in my thoughts and believe it or not sometimes a stranger telling you these things is easier than say, my husband who tells me it’s nothing and I’m being obsessive.

04-06-19, 21:32
Okay well .002 is still in my favor! I’m confused as to your last statement “they’re like ice pick ,cluster” did that intend to mean what I was feeling was similar to that or that the PH type headache is like those?
Thanks again for replying with me. It means a lot to not be alone in my thoughts and believe it or not sometimes a stranger telling you these things is easier than say, my husband who tells me it’s nothing and I’m being obsessive.

Well your husband is 100% right too ;) I meant that the pain from this rare type of head pain (and it only named in the mid 70's) resembles the pain from ice pick or cluster headaches which are basically headaches specifically confined to a small area.

Positive thoughts