View Full Version : Help, really bad after 5 days in hospital

fed up with it
14-09-07, 11:12
I am really bad this week, i have just come out of hospital with my daughters and after all different diagnosis, they narrowed the swelling in her face down to a tooth. I had to go with her down to theatre, coped with all that, now i am home i feel dreadful with a feeling of insence physical dread in my body, chest and throat, also i am having waves of what feels like panic and dispair. Is this the after affects of the stress? i feel like i am on the verge of a breakdown!!!!!

14-09-07, 13:23
You poor thing,it sounds like all the stress and build up of anxiety. You have worried your self so much,which Im sure all parents in your situation would have done.Im glad she is recovering and it wasnt anything more serious.Although it was probably bad enough for your daughter,to have gone through all that.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hope you are both better soon.:bighug1:

14-09-07, 13:57
Hi - I agree with Ellen. I think it could be the release of all the anxiety that built up whilst you were worrying at the hospital.
Try to get some relaxation time even if it is just a soothing bath reading a magazine and some early nights and don't paln anything stressful for a few days until you are -rebalanced.

I think you did really well coping at the hospital.


14-09-07, 14:02
Hi Carol,

I agree with the others. For one, getting all different diagnoses would drive any parent into a tizy. I think you did great and now are feeling all the stress from holding it all together for your daughter's sake. Try and relax and take care of yourself now.



fed up with it
14-09-07, 14:05
Hi, thanks to you both for your replies. I also suffer from agrophobia which is better now but having to stay in a hospital for 5 nights was horrific. It is the mornings that are the worse.

14-09-07, 16:23
Suffering from agrophobia and staying in hospital for 5 nights is a massive acheivment,well done.:yesyes: :yesyes:
I think the mornings is the worse time for alot of us here to.:hugs:

14-09-07, 18:43
Hi Carol

I think you should be so proud of yourself, i have Agorophobia too and i could never imagine staying at a hospital for 5 days, thats a massive acheivement for you:yesyes: . I hope your daughter is making good progress hun just wanted to send you a hug too:hugs: , it must have been awful for you both.


14-09-07, 20:15
hi carol
im agoraphobic too and i think you done really great.i dont think i could have managed as well as you. well done

14-09-07, 22:03
My goodness - you are agoraphobic?? And you did that?? No wonder you are having a wobble this week!! Well done you. Give yourself a big smile, a big hug and be well proud of yourself.

14-09-07, 22:43

I can relate to what you are feeling right now. I have been feeling well over the past few months but on Sunday my son had an epileptic seizure (out of the blue) and this resulted in paramedics being called to the house and us ending up in A & E. My anxiety levels have shot through the roof with old symptoms returning (lightheaded, churning stomach, missed heartbeats and loss of appetite etc.)

I think what happens is we deal with the incident at the time, with an increase of adrenalin, but when it is over the aftermath of the surplus adrenalin results in all these symptoms. Unfortunately for me it is the start of a period of stress as my son is having a complete change of medication with new meds being introduced whilst withdrawing the current meds. It will be an anxious 2 weeks.

How is your daughter now? I hope she is recovering well. I spent 30mins today listening to a relaxation CD and it really helped. Try and find time for relaxation. Just remember you have coped really well and it is natural to feel the way you do.

Take Care.

fed up with it
15-09-07, 10:49
Hi, thanks everyone for your support, chillx i hope your son gets better soon.:hugs: My daugther is still a bit swollen around her face but they have changed her antibotics, they first said she had mumps, then not that cellutis, then it was her tooth so they extracted that, my worse was watching them syringe antibotics into the back of her hand as this was hurting her, also i have a medicine phobia about been allergic to antibotics as i have one to amoxicillin, and i was scared she was going to react thankfully all was ok. And then watching them put her out. was dreadful, i feel slightly better today but not good.