View Full Version : Had 1 cheek lump, now I have 2? :( Anyone have these?

02-06-19, 20:32
Been a doozy of an anxiety day today. I swear I posted about this ages ago but I went through my post history and couldn't find a thread about this - interesting to see my anxiety spiral in retrospect though.

So I've had this tiny, feels smaller than a pin head, movable lump in my right inner cheek just above my bottom wisdom tooth for...lord knows how long now? I was anxious about it in the past but it was one of the lumps that was towards the bottom of the anxiety list so to say. Anyway I'm having dental cavity issues at the moment. The second molar away from the wisdom tooth is a filled one but my dentist said it has a cavity in it again and needs refilling, at least I'm pretty sure it is this tooth as two days ago I had niggling pain in it. Not climb the walls pain but enough for me to take ibuprofen. Pain's pretty much gone now, but now I have a SECOND pin size movable lump in my cheek, in the general area of this tooth :( The wisdom tooth also has a small side cavity and I recall the dentist saying a year or two ago that it had a 'shadow' so I assume they meant cavity anyway? And now the lump that I've had for a while actually feels more fused the area and feels bigger to me but I don't know whether to just write it down to me overanalysing the area as per usual.

Right so I have two of these bloody things now. None on the other side. Google gave no home remedies apart from your usual 30 cancers. Don't think there's any lymph nodes in your cheeks and I'm sure your salivary ducts are under your tongue and upper cheek, not where I'm feeling them? Has anyone had anything like this please? :huh: I'm spiraling down into thinking this is definitely cancer again :(

02-06-19, 21:00
So you're over your "bladder" fears now and back with a new "cancer" worry?


02-06-19, 22:14
Mm I definitely hear you. Although wouldn't say I'm over them though as I've just grown accustomed to my bladder symptoms - I mean what else am I supposed to do in the meanwhile while waiting for my appointment months away? But how is one not supposed to worry when they find a new lump? Out of all the lumps I've developed over the years (whether shot up glands, lipomas or whatever else) I've only had ONE eventually go away, all the other ones stayed. I'm just trying to find out whether someone else has the same thing and it's like normal tissue variation or something :(

04-06-19, 21:22
So I'll assume no one else has this :( I found zero useful information about this and just am at my wits end. I don't know whether this is connected to my tooth, whether it's lymphoma, or oral cancer I just don't know but I am absolutely petrified and want to cry :(

04-06-19, 21:27
So I'll assume no one else has this :( I found zero useful information about this and just am at my wits end. I don't know whether this is connected to my tooth, whether it's lymphoma, or oral cancer I just don't know but I am absolutely petrified and want to cry :(

Sadly, this is totally self-inflicted. The reason you've found nothing is because there is nothing. You know darn well Dr. google would have doomed you to death if there was ;)

Positive thoughts

07-06-19, 13:05
I don't see how it's self inflicted though if this lump just appeared out of nowhere? As I said the previous one in my cheek was really, really low on my anxiety hit list so I barely ever checked on it and I'm being truthful here. I suppose I have a dentist appointment next week but I'm dreading what they're going to say

07-06-19, 13:29
I don't see how it's self inflicted though if this lump just appeared out of nowhere?

You've taken a non-issue, Googled and shot yourself in the foot for no reason :shrug:

So I've had this tiny, feels smaller than a pin head, movable lump in my right inner cheek just above my bottom wisdom tooth for...lord knows how long now?

Something you've had for "lord knows how long", that's "smaller than a pin head", is not a "lump". Also, this "smaller than a pin head" non-"lump" is appearing next to a problem tooth. 1+1 = ?

Positive thoughts