View Full Version : Anxious about sickness bug - Advice

04-06-19, 14:53
Hi Everyone,

I've been doing much better the past few weeks other than a couple of set backs :).

I've got my ENT appointment booked for my throat, new appoint for my 3rd lot of Therapy (recommended by my doc) and looking forward to a break away in a few weeks :yesyes:

I have something on my mind.
Over the weekend my girlfriends mum came down with a horrible Sickness and Diarrhoea bug while we were staying there.
This set me off, we slept there overnight and I went home the next morning.

My girlfriend stayed at home and yesterday morning came down with the same bug.

Ever since she told me, I've been feeling sick and have a few stomach cramps myself, but not much has come of it (yet, hopefully it doesn't :D, I HATE being sick with a passion, and haven't been sick in over 5 years).

Now here's the thing. I don't want to see her now in case there's a chance of the bug being passed to me (very selfish I know, but I've been through a lot of stuff recently and really want to give this one a miss lol).
She's feeling better today, which is good news.

I'm probably being irrational, but some pleaces say it can stick around with her for up to 2 weeks?!
In your personal opinion, is it being silly to wait that long?

Apologies if this is silly

04-06-19, 15:21
She's your girlfriend. One day she, or someone else may be your wife. One day perhaps you'll have children. I get you don't want to get sick but committed relationships are about "in sickness and in health" after all. And the fact is, you've already been exposed so...

Positive thoughts

04-06-19, 15:25
I get that you don't want to expose yourself, but unless you've got an immune condition that would make it dangerous... yeah, it's a dick move to abandon her when she's not feeling well.

04-06-19, 15:59
I'm not just abandoning her lol, she told me to stay away and she would almost definitely ditch me if it was the other way around :noangel: :whistles: :D

However, fair point both of you! Thanks for your responses

05-06-19, 20:38
Stomach bugs are very very contagious, even if you’re good at washing your hands. It’s likely that you’ve already been exposed. Not all people get sick though (or if they do, their symptoms are milder than others).

However, when you’ve had a bug like that, you can go to work 48 hours after your symptoms have stopped. Which means that at that stage you’re unlikely to spread it around at your workplace. I would say that 48 hours should be enough of a “quarantine” for you too. 2 weeks is taking it too far. Yes technically the virus can live on surfaces for 2 weeks, but still, as I said, it’s likely you already have that thing in your system anyway. We had 25 guests at our home less than 2 weeks after we’d all been sick, and none of them contracted it. Sure, we had cleaned the place after being sick but it hadn’t been disinfected or anything that drastic.

Just be mindful of keeping your hands clean and if your girlfriend needs a hand with cleaning her home after the sickness has passed, help her out.

05-06-19, 21:13
You might get sick. Then you'll get better. Life goes on.

06-06-19, 00:48
I absolutely despite throw up and I'm a complete ******* when people I know have a stomach bug! I'd ditch her and that would have been my MO even before my health anxiety! :roflmao:I have a 5 year old and her stomach bugs are my absolute worst nightmare! But, with good hand washing and wiping off surfaces, keeping the bathroom clean you can avoid getting it.

For what it's worth, every time my daughter has had it I've totally felt queasy the whole time, which I think was entirely in my head.

06-06-19, 17:23
Thanks for all of the responses everyone. Think I'm going to try and see her this weekend :)