View Full Version : Symptoms since new baby

04-06-19, 18:15
3 months ago i gave birth to a beautiful little girl. I already have two older girls aged 3 and 5. My pregnancy and birth were very straight forward. Passed all blood tests etc and the birth itself was totally natural and I had no pain relief at all. I’m 30 years old and eat healthily and have never really been unwell before.

A few days before giving birth I developed a sort of pressure behind my eyes. It was uncomfortable but nothing major and I thought it was due to me being tired as I wasn’t getting much sleep. I also had a dentist appointment a week before I had my daughter and I think looking back it may have been a panic attack and I got really hot in the chair and felt like I couldn’t go through with the appointment. Just a real sense of dread, it was only a check up and I’ve never had an issue with dentists. I thought it was just due to lying on my back and the heat of the room.

Since having my little girl I just haven’t felt right at all. I’ve had headaches that last the first 2 months went away for a week then came back again. First of all it was the pressure behind my eyes but developed into a pain at the back of my end and most recently it feels like i have brain freeze all the time. I also have tender spots on my scalp that hurt to touch along with neck pain. When I lie in bed my head just feels really heavy. I started off having tingling in my arms and legs but now my whole body just aches. It gets worse at night and my muscles just feel sore and weak. I feel nauseous most of the time and sometimes feel I’m short of breath. I keep having these funny turns, maybe once a day, where I feel like I’m just dying. I go sort of light headed and my body just tingles and I usually need to go to the toilet. I’m unsure if they are panic attacks or not?

I’ve got a doctors appointment booked for tomorrow and I am so scared for it. I’ve been googling my symptoms for months and diagnosed myself with all sorts (MND, MS, brain tumour). I’m so scared my girls are going to be left without a mum.

I’ve always been a worrier but I’ve never experienced all these symptoms or even panic attacks. Could all these really just be from anxiety?

Thanks for listening to me ramble on!

04-06-19, 18:28
I’ve always been a worrier but I’ve never experienced all these symptoms or even panic attacks. Could all these really just be from anxiety?

First off, congrats on the new baby! Ok... You're young, have a history of anxiety and have three very young children to look after. I don't care who you are or your history with anxiety, that's a lot of responsibility and pressure and for sure really stressful. Add to that your body is still recovering and here you are. I'm quite sure its as simple as lack of sleep and perhaps some vitamin deficiencies. Let us know what the doctor says. "Told Ya So Gang" on standby ;)

Positive thoughts

04-06-19, 18:47
Thank you! I also keep trying to tell myself it’s most likely sleep deprivation as none of my kids sleep well and it’s like a tag team now 😬 My mind just won’t accept it and keeps going to the worse possible situations. I keep reading stories about young mums dying for no apparent reason and I’m just terrified. It feels really silly. I’ve been waiting ages on a doctors appointment too which doesn’t help matters :( The doctor appointment is at 6.45am so at least no long anxious wait all day!

04-06-19, 18:50
Thank you! I also keep trying to tell myself it’s most likely sleep deprivation as none of my kids sleep well and it’s like a tag team now  My mind just won’t accept it and keeps going to the worse possible situations. I keep reading stories about young mums dying for no apparent reason and I’m just terrified. It feels really silly. I’ve been waiting ages on a doctors appointment too which doesn’t help matters :( The doctor appointment is at 6.45am so at least no long anxious wait all day!

That's good and you know full well to stay the heck off of Dr. Google! Why not watch funny stuff on Youtube? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJr9d563Q1E&t=590s)

Positive thoughts

04-06-19, 19:01
I know for being such a great tool google can also be the worst. I had a look at the cbt4panic in your signature and looks like it will be very useful. Thank you, will definitely stick to funny stuff on YouTube and an early night tonight.