View Full Version : Blood in urine-positivity desperately needed!!

04-06-19, 19:26
Two weeks ago, I noticed on one occasion that my morning wee was very dark. No further incidents until 2 days ago. Really dark all day-colour of black tea/Cola. Took a sample to the docs yesterday and now waiting for a 2-Week Fast Track urology appt. No other problems weeing/bowels etc-no lumps, swellings, burning when weeing, over frequent weeing and all wee clear since, yellow or clear. Only other thing that was strange two days ago was that I felt really "fluey", aches, shivers + sweating all day then gone. Also, a light, dull ache in the testicles. Obviously, being an HA veteran, Google to the rescue-or not!! According to them, it's definitely a tumour and I should start worrying more than I am-if that's possible!! Any similar instances from you people out there? Male-57 yrs. Any positivity gratefully received as absolutely terrified!!

09-06-19, 18:07
Do you drink a lot of water? you could be hydrated especially as its happening in the morning because we are asleep all night and havent had a drink which is why its dark. Did they actually say there was blood in the urine or was it just the colour of blood? could be an infection.

09-06-19, 18:19
I had this with kidney stones but nothing more serious than that.