View Full Version : how many different types of ADs have people tried?

14-09-07, 20:42

I was wondering how many different types of anti depressants have people tried before finding one that suits you or giving up with them?


14-09-07, 21:06
I tried 2 - Dothiepin and Prozac then gave up as they didn't cure the panic and anxiety - that was 10 years ago now.

14-09-07, 22:47
i tried venfalaxine but had major side effects so stopped them .then i tried citalopram had no side effects and stayed on them nearly 3 years stopped them last december because my panic and anxiety had gone but now 9 months later im back as bad as i was 5 years ago and am thinking about going back on citalopram

14-09-07, 23:03
I was lucky and Citalopram was the first one given to me and it seemed to do the trick to balance me out.

But a friend of mine has been on 5 different ones in the last 6 years and all been problematic...

15-09-07, 01:52
Hi Lizzie,

Citalopram did it for me.

Was on them for about 5months - then came off.

Would go back on again if necessary :)

