View Full Version : Ongoing skin sensitivity / pain - help!

05-06-19, 12:30
Hi All,

Bit of a HA Sufferer, and all round anxiety sufferer here (though i mostly can battle it),but i got an ongoing issue i just can't shake!

For the past 9 months i have had this sensation of Pain in my skin, as in, all over a simple task like clothes rubbing on my skin gives a sensation of pain. Same kind of skin pain you tend to get if you get a bad cold and even using a towel on your skin hurts, well this is that, all over, all the time!

Its happened since i got quite sick in September 2018, I ended up with some sort of throat infection / flu type thing and for the first time since i was a kid that night i had a fever, with the shakes, and the next day onward simple things like blanket on the skin hurt.

this went on for a week or so being weak, sore, clogged up etc however the sickness part went away after a week or so but the skin pain did not

Attended DR several times over the remaining months ending up with multiple blood tests and generally being told its just post virus, it will go away eventually! they also tested for diabetes which was also clear!

Comes to 2019, again i have been to a DR a few times on this trying different things like a steroidal type medication that he felt may rid potential virus (this i felt perhaps reduced the pain) and Ive even had an MRI Brain/Skull which basically all clear!

DRs just cannot pinpoint the issue and its really starting to cause me concern, as well as quite a lot of discomfort in my day to day life, picture sore, painful skin all over

I have resorted to some googling (despite me trying not to) and mostly it comes up as
Allodynia - Perhaps?
HIV - I guess id know about it by now if it was this being 9 months in and no other symptoms
Cancer - As above, combined with several perfect blood results

There are a few others, but i guess these are the main ones, Would you agree with the above assumptions?

Some potential causes i can put it down to is
Stress/Anxiety - Would this last 9 months, howcome it come as part of a viral infection?, Also could be Psycodermatology ?
Nerve Issue - i do have disc prolapse lower back, could this be pressing on a nerve causing this pain all over my skin?

Next steps i seem to have is
- See a neurologist, expensive and i feel ill end up with many more tests
- Naturopath

Has anyone else had this?
What did you do?
Did you ever resolve it?

Really appreciate your help / advise


09-06-19, 18:15
Its not HIV as you've had a blood test so your White Blood Counts would be very abnormal. Its not Cancer as i'm not sure what cancer would cause the skin to tingle apart from something to do with the brain but you've had a MRI on that and the brain is fine.
Neves yes it could be but not because you have an awful disease maybe you have a trapped nerve. Either way so long as your bloods are fine i wouldn't worry.
I too have Health Anxiety so i completely understand why you'd be worried but please don't google. Just take your doctors words who has results based on you and not someone elses story on google.