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View Full Version : Anxious regarding head injury again.

05-06-19, 23:33
So Saturday I kinda hit my head off of my forearm when sitting down at my desk cross armed. Nothing happened and went about my day. Sunday night rolls around and I get up out of my desk chair and my legs and arms feel so weak I just wanted to lay down badly. At that point, I started to worry.

Since then, I've had a slight unsteadiness at times when walking and feel on/off pressure in my head. If I bent over , the pressure would get worse. Aside from those symptoms, nothing else of note. Just pressure around head, achy jaw line and back of head where start of neck is.

Been through similar but my anxiety is through the roof because I fear a slow brain bleed or something. Although if I am showing symptoms, then that would mean the bleed is bad enough and should be causing much worse than what I'm showing.

Sigh ☹️

05-06-19, 23:36
What exactly is your forearm made out of?

Go watch some boxing, then re-read what you just wrote. It's frankly absurd.

05-06-19, 23:44
My 5 year old has smashed her head on tables, counters, floors, her own knee, car doors, tall people's elbows.... so many times I cannot count. The force with which she hits her head is amazing sometimes and she has never had any problems or even a concussion. You're fine!

05-06-19, 23:49
Idk but the pressure in my head is worrisome? Or something that will pass? And I smashed my forehead right into my forearm hard out of anger.

06-06-19, 00:16
I mean, I'm not a medical professional, but the pressure is more likely to be anxiety I'd think. Also, you could have strained your neck and shoulders when hitting your head. I once smashed my forehead onto a concrete floor with fully force by accident (don't ask!) and I was fine. I was in high school and it didn't even occur to me to go to the doctor or tell anyone! I'm pretty sure I had a concussion but I was 100% fine.

06-06-19, 04:58
I don't think the anxiety is it because I had the pressure happen before i started getting anxiety about my head. my legs feel a little weak at times or unsettled to where i kinda feel like i'll tilt over a bit but not really. idk, i feel it's maybe more a minor concussion than anything but the slow brain bleed scares me. Because it could take time for that to show. Then again, since i'm showing symptoms, maybe it's not that.

I mainly want to feel better and not have this pressure but idk what to do about it. painkillers themselves aren't really helping much. maybe stuff suited for sinus/allergies will help?

06-06-19, 06:54
I've been hit on the back of the head by a full-sized glider that was being moved on the ground. If I escaped serious ill-effects from that, there is NO WAY you have a concussion from catching your head on your forearm.

06-06-19, 08:54
Again, look at contact sports such as boxing or martial arts. It's generally accepted that peak forces range between 1000-1500lbs on impact, with head acceleration often reaching 50g, or 50 times the force of gravity. These guys (and gals) take this punishment for years.

I can guarantee you that you smashing your head against your forearm won't create the kind of problem you're imagining.

Head pressure is common with anxiety, really common.

07-06-19, 05:12
Hmm, maybe so. I've been taking sinus tablets and it seems to help relieve the pressure quite a bit. it still lingers a bit but it really makes life more manageable again. Idk if that's reason for optimism or not but that might mean it's more sinus related than anything.

07-06-19, 19:36
I had a solid glass full of beer thrown off my head from a foot away. Opened a inch long wound in my scalp that you could see my skull through. Didn't even go to A+E. Dressed it, and monitored it. Guess what, no concussion, and neither have you. Frankly, what your describing is absurd.

07-06-19, 19:59
Frankly, what your describing is absurd.

Agreed. One does not suffer a head injury by "kind of" hitting their head on their forearm.

Positive thoughts

07-06-19, 20:34
I had a solid glass full of beer thrown off my head from a foot away. Opened a inch long wound in my scalp that you could see my skull through. Didn't even go to A+E. Dressed it, and monitored it. Guess what, no concussion, and neither have you. Frankly, what your describing is absurd.

Hey me too, although it was my friends brother who accidentally (stupidly) threw a pint glass into the sky, which landed on my head. In my case though, 18 stitches in two places.


07-06-19, 22:19
To add to the stories of hitting heads. When I was 13 I thought it would be a marvellous idea to try and ride my bike with my eyes closed...on a road. Luckily for me it was housing estate so not really any cars driving around to hit me. Unlucky for me it turns out riding your bike with your eyes closed isn’t as easy as it sounds (what a surprise). I end up riding into a metal fence which caused me to fall off my bike and smash the side of my head directly into one of the metal bars. I didn’t feel myself actually hit the floor, I either passed out was just so shocked I didn’t notice. Ran all the way home leaving my bike in the road...but no concussion or bleed from that.

08-06-19, 01:14
I get what you are saying but what am I experiencing then? The ringing in ears and pressure around head must mean something? And I felt super weak standing up Sunday night, after 36 hours of hitting my head. I got up and just immediately slouched with my arms and my legs felt weak and when i sat down, it was with a thud because i was so weak. Smashing my head straight into my forearm shouldn't cause problems but yet, something is happening.

It's been over 6 days since the hit to the head and I feel like it's probably not a brain bleed at this point but I have no idea if the pressure will cease or what to take. Because pain killers don't do much for me.

09-06-19, 04:29
The pressure in my head got kinda bad today after the previous day of being non-existent. I'm a bit worried that I'll have to keep taking medicine to ease the pain/pressure but even then, it's not completely erasing it when I take it. I wish I knew what I was dealing with because this shouldn't be happening after bumping my head hard against my forearm.

09-06-19, 07:14
Has it ever occurred to you that you might have a simple tension headache caused by all the fretting over this?

09-06-19, 17:13
Has it ever occurred to you that you might have a simple tension headache caused by all the fretting over this?

No because it started up before I was even worried about any of this. It seems to do better after a night of sleep but flares up sometimes later in day. I haven't even been thinking much of it today because it hasn't been bothering so far today.

09-06-19, 17:35
No because it started up before I was even worried about any of this. It seems to do better after a night of sleep but flares up sometimes later in day. I haven't even been thinking much of it today because it hasn't been bothering so far today.

That wasn't stated in your initial post and you apparently are thinking about it as you're posting :whistles: Look, stress does all sorts of f'd up things to your body regardless of anxiety. I've had a lot of stress recently due to life situations and I've been getting headaches regularly for months. Not once did I consider it unusual or sinister. I just pop a couple ibuprofen and go on about my business like the vast majority of people do.

The issue is anxiety and stress and treating that will also help the real physical side effects of it.

Positive thoughts

09-06-19, 19:51
It's just that someone told me about some girl in her 20's that fell and bumped her head from minor fall, no symptoms or anything from it, and died 2 weeks later due to a brain bleed. of course, my situation is a bit different as i hit my forehead. but that's why i am concerned. I have been checked out the last time i hit my head and they didn't find anything wrong. (last time, it felt like everything was spinning so you could say it was worse than this time perhaps.)

i'm no expert but if the symptoms i am having was from a brain bleed, then obviously things would be pretty dire for me now? Because i've been dealing with the pressure around my head all week long.

Could it be anxiety and stress? Sure, but idk if my hit to the head plays a role into it though because the blow and the jolt of my head could have be enough to create minor like symptoms to what i have now.

09-06-19, 20:15
It's just that....

A severe case of "Yeah but..." disease for sure :lac:
Positive thoughts

09-06-19, 20:31
It's just that someone told me about some girl in her 20's that fell and bumped her head from minor fall, no symptoms or anything from it, and died 2 weeks later due to a brain bleed. of course, my situation is a bit different as i hit my forehead. but that's why i am concerned. I have been checked out the last time i hit my head and they didn't find anything wrong. (last time, it felt like everything was spinning so you could say it was worse than this time perhaps.)

i'm no expert but if the symptoms i am having was from a brain bleed, then obviously things would be pretty dire for me now? Because i've been dealing with the pressure around my head all week long.

Could it be anxiety and stress? Sure, but idk if my hit to the head plays a role into it though because the blow and the jolt of my head could have be enough to create minor like symptoms to what i have now.

Think of the head trauma sustained by boxers....the human body is not a fragile china doll.

You will be fine but get your HA under the thumb ;)

09-06-19, 20:41
Yeah, i'm worrying too much. I know. I get out of bed and my head feels pressure as soon as I stand up, slightly woozy. Is that anxiety or minor symptoms from the blow (s) to the head? (have hit my head plenty of times over years, most accidental, some out of stupidity)

And how do I treat the symptoms?

10-06-19, 00:56
And how do I treat the symptoms?

Treat the anxiety

10-06-19, 18:59
While I do have anxiety, I am not sure it's causing the pressure around my head. I sometimes even feel the pressure on the sides of my cheeks under my temples too. I wish people could tell me I don't have a possible brain bleed situation or something because I've tried being calm and all, but the pressure is still there regardless what I do.

Sleep is the only thing that totally gets rid of it but it comes back eventually when starting my day. The Tylenol stuff i'm taking is not helping the pressure either. I feel the hits to the head is the reason for what is happening.

I just know last time I went to ER for a hit to head, the CT Scan found nothing even though I was dazed and felt similar symptoms. It's just the not knowing that bothers me and I wish someone could explain why I don't have what I think I might have. It'd help keep me calm.

10-06-19, 19:06
Sleep is the only thing that totally gets rid of it but it comes back eventually when starting my day.

Sleep would not eliminate the symptoms of something as serious as a brain bleed or any other serious illness for that matter. The symptom returning eventually during that day is evidence its anxiety and stress related as you're consciously thinking about it.

Positive thoughts

10-06-19, 19:17
While I do have anxiety, I am not sure it's causing the pressure around my head. I sometimes even feel the pressure on the sides of my cheeks under my temples too. I wish people could tell me I don't have a possible brain bleed situation or something because I've tried being calm and all, but the pressure is still there regardless what I do.

Sleep is the only thing that totally gets rid of it but it comes back eventually when starting my day. The Tylenol stuff i'm taking is not helping the pressure either. I feel the hits to the head is the reason for what is happening.

I just know last time I went to ER for a hit to head, the CT Scan found nothing even though I was dazed and felt similar symptoms. It's just the not knowing that bothers me and I wish someone could explain why I don't have what I think I might have. It'd help keep me calm.

Only your own thoughts can keep you calm i'm afraid. The area that you're feeling pressure is in the sinuses and it's incredibly common and would not be effected by if you hit your head or not. The obsessive nature of your thoughts will not be helping you calm in any way, shape or form. You have the power to not be feeling this way, the sensation you are experiencing is uncomfortable but in no way inherently dangerous. It's allergy season, and you're obviously feeling very stressed right now - neither of those will be helping your situation at all.

As nice of a thought as it is to just 'be calm' and that taking the sensations we feel away that's really far from how it actually works. The long term effects that stress has on the body can't be eradicated by a few moments of peace, also frankly if you're 'trying to be calm' then your not, only bottling or pushing things away. Calm is a state that comes about through time not trying.

If sleep makes it go away that would point towards your sinuses being inflamed or blocked in some way that being led down, perhaps without the window open? is helping. When there's actually something wrong it's not gone when you wake up, it hits full force the second you're awake or it wakes you up.

Positive Vibes,


10-06-19, 19:25
Well, the medicines I'm taking are not helping the sinuses if it's partially due to that. I know my dad is having similar issues as well so that tells me it's like sinuses but I didn't know sinuses caused ringing in ears too, which my dad also has.

Hitting my head might have just been just that and nothing really coming out of it. (I hope this stays that way.)

The pressure just gets really bad and I have noticed that it's worse when outdoors. I work an outside job and on those days are when it's been bad enough to feel like an actual headache. On my days off, not so bad as i'm inside but still present regardless just to a bit of lesser degree. still uncomfortable.

10-06-19, 19:37
Well, the medicines I'm taking are not helping the sinuses if it's partially due to that. I know my dad is having similar issues as well so that tells me it's like sinuses but I didn't know sinuses caused ringing in ears too, which my dad also has.

Hitting my head might have just been just that and nothing really coming out of it. (I hope this stays that way.)

The pressure just gets really bad and I have noticed that it's worse when outdoors. I work an outside job and on those days are when it's been bad enough to feel like an actual headache. On my days off, not so bad as i'm inside but still present regardless just to a bit of lesser degree. still uncomfortable.

Could certainly be a pattern worth thinking about then! I believe that the active ingredient in Tylenol is paracetamol - that certainly wouldn't do diddly for my allergies. You could try something more geared towards the issues your having, perhaps an over the counter anti-histamine?

The sinuses can certainly effect the ears and give you headache, it's my first clue that I need to start my allergy meds for the season. If it's worse when outdoors and less so when your inside you have cause and effect that has nothing to do with you hitting your head whatsoever.

You're doing a really good job to think through logically right now, well done!


10-06-19, 19:44
I don't know where you are Seaster, but here in the Mid-Atlantic, the allergies have been the worst I can remember in a decade. My car has been literally yellow with pollen in the mornings! You work outdoors and correlate it being worse when you're working so what's the logical reason/answer here? I'm with Midnight-Mouse about an OTC allergy med. My wife and I take one and keep a bottle of Flonase around when they get really bad.

Positive thoughts

10-06-19, 23:05
Whenever I stand up from sitting down, I'll have this knot like feeling in my head that gives the illusion that I'm unsteady when walking. That's another reason I'm a bit concerned because idk what that is. Only happens when first moving around. I do think my hit to forehead did something to me.

11-06-19, 04:35
Stop brooding, start living. Hitting your head on your forearm cannot have any effect on you beyond being mildly embarrassing.

13-06-19, 06:19
Okay, maybe i'm just paranoid or not sure of the anatomy of the head, but when i was feeling down the backside of my head, i felt like a roundish ball shape, in middle of the head, about bottom of ears level. Is that supposed to be there and what part of the head is that?

Edit: I believe it's the Inion, right? (the part of head that connects skull to neck)Just trying to rule out everything before going to doctors eventually. Want to cover all bases.

13-06-19, 18:09
Covering what bases? Why go to doctor?
The only thing you have wrong with you is HA.

14-06-19, 06:49
It's because this kind of pressure/aches around head, temples, ear, forehead, etc isn't normal. It's very on/off and when it flares up, it's enough to make me wonder what's happening. I can go most the day pressure/ache free but then it'll flare up randomly. Idk. It just scares me it could be one of those slow building brain bleeds or something.

And I don't think it's anxiety that's causing the pressure/aches because I can just be relaxing and the symptoms will still be there. The only thing that helps is sleeping but I think that's more due to taking Benedryl before bed but idk for sure.

14-06-19, 07:56
There is no way that you have injured your head but you could be suffering from sinusitis, an allergy or you are simply so hyper focused on your symptoms that your anxiety is blowing things out of all proportion.

14-06-19, 08:54
It's because this kind of pressure/aches around head, temples, ear, forehead, etc isn't normal. It's very on/off and when it flares up, it's enough to make me wonder what's happening. I can go most the day pressure/ache free but then it'll flare up randomly. Idk. It just scares me it could be one of those slow building brain bleeds or something.

And I don't think it's anxiety that's causing the pressure/aches because I can just be relaxing and the symptoms will still be there. The only thing that helps is sleeping but I think that's more due to taking Benedryl before bed but idk for sure.

You had yourself convinced you had concussion by hitting your head with your forearm. I wouldn't put too much faith in your own assessment of causes to be honest.

Anxiety doesn't flip on and off in terms of symptoms. It's like the tide, you'll get waves lapping in and out, but the trend is forwards....or backwards. Right now your anxiety tide is definitely forward trending.

14-06-19, 19:50
Dude, you're having tension headaches. Your anxiety is causing them. When I was a new mom and having the worst anxiety I would notice the headaches the most when I was sitting quietly feeding my daughter at night - my seemingly most relaxed time. It felt like someone was tightening a belt around my head. Then it would sometimes feel like my whole head was swimming or my temples were tingling. And, the more I thought about it the worse it got. Tension headaches are among the most common headaches. Plus, seasonal allergies are not helping I'm sure. I've also gotten a ton of pressure in my head from allergies. Not the typical sinus pressure, but almost pins and needles down the side of my head or tingling if I forget to take my allergy meds.

14-06-19, 20:28
For what its worth....

Yesterday, we had to take our cat to the vet. He's not been well and has had the squirts for a couple of weeks. He was due anyway but we tend to avoid it because he turns into an absolute wildcat at the Vet's office! At 17lbs and a heritage of Red Coastal Bobcat, he's more than a handful. They even have it in his record! It stresses my wife and I out as much as him! They have to sedate him in order to examine him. We're switching his diet and that's a challenge and stressful too.

Long story short, yesterday was very stressful for all involved and both of us had headaches later in the day. Headaches are a normal reaction to stress, anxiety or not.

Positive thoughts

15-06-19, 01:09
For what its worth....

Yesterday, we had to take our cat to the vet. He's not been well and has had the squirts for a couple of weeks. He was due anyway but we tend to avoid it because he turns into an absolute wildcat at the Vet's office! At 17lbs and a heritage of Red Coastal Bobcat, he's more than a handful. They even have it in his record! It stresses my wife and I out as much as him! They have to sedate him in order to examine him. We're switching his diet and that's a challenge and stressful too.

Long story short, yesterday was very stressful for all involved and both of us had headaches later in the day. Headaches are a normal reaction to stress, anxiety or not.

Positive thoughts

That was my cat! He was 19 pounds and absolutely lost his mind at the vet. He was a manipulative sociopath at home but completely docile. But, get him at the vet and he became a violent lunatic. He was absolutely notorious at our vet. They'd make us give him a sedative and hour before bringing him in, which didn't even work! Every time was such a catastrophe. Solidarity!

15-06-19, 01:21
Is sudden weakness in arms and legs also due to anxiety? I mean, it could be from bumping head too. It's just scary reading stuff like brain bleeds can show up 2 weeks after hitting head. Well 2 weeks exact is tomorrow. Yeah, i know, it don't work like that but i mean, i keep asking what if it is a brain bleed and i'm dismissing the possibility?

15-06-19, 01:28
Is sudden weakness in arms and legs also due to anxiety? I mean, it could be from bumping head too. It's just scary reading stuff like brain bleeds can show up 2 weeks after hitting head. Well 2 weeks exact is tomorrow. Yeah, i know, it don't work like that but i mean, i keep asking what if it is a brain bleed and i'm dismissing the possibility?

Yep that's it. I would go to ER immediately! Let us know what they say! (being entirely facetious to show the absurdity of this)

Positive thoughts

15-06-19, 02:03
That was my cat! He was 19 pounds and absolutely lost his mind at the vet. He was a manipulative sociopath at home but completely docile. But, get him at the vet and he became a violent lunatic. He was absolutely notorious at our vet. They'd make us give him a sedative and hour before bringing him in, which didn't even work! Every time was such a catastrophe. Solidarity!


15-06-19, 02:05
Yep that's it. I would go to ER immediately! Let us know what they say! (being entirely facetious to show the absurdity of this)

Positive thoughts
Naturally, the TYS Gang will be watching and waiting :shades:

15-06-19, 06:40
KK, I actually have that book! My cats are definitely plotting to kill me.

15-06-19, 16:16
Well, it's been 2 weeks since my head injury and while i'm not feeling any worse, i don't feel like my symptoms are going away. I often wake up with a clogged up ear, light pressure in head, ringing in ears. I don't plan on going to doctors but at the same time, how can I know i'm in the clear from anything serious? Usually, 2 weeks after a head injury means i'm in the clear?

15-06-19, 16:17
You haven't suffered a head injury.

15-06-19, 16:59
You haven't suffered a head injury.

I hit my head HARD against my forearm. You really dont think I suffered a head injury from that?

15-06-19, 17:15
I absolutely think you didn't suffer a head injury from that.

15-06-19, 18:05
I hit my head HARD against my forearm. You really dont think I suffered a head injury from that?

Would you be happier if I said you might have a brain bleed? I'm really not sure what the point of any responses to your bewildering irrationality is at this point.