View Full Version : Weird heartbeat feeling. Please read.

15-09-07, 00:39
Ive gotten that skipped beat sensation before, but now I have something thats scarying me more. Sometimes, infrequently, when I get up from a lying position, I feel a weird forceful heartbeat. Its hard to explain but it just feels weird and lasts for a few seconds. This usually happens if im laying down for awhile and then stand up. Its like the heart is trying to adjust or something.

One time I actually triggered this weird sensation by sneezing forcefully. These heart beats arent fast, but more slow, throbbing, forceful , painless contractions that feel kind of different then normal hard beats. Does anyone get this or have any ideas. ?

15-09-07, 14:47
Hi X!

I think I get something like this that you describe too. I get slow, very hard throbbing beats, mostly to do with standing up after sitting/laying and from sometimes bending over as well. I often get a strange sort of pressure in my chest and throat with it too.

You're not alone and I'd be interested if anyone had some info on this too.

All the best! :)

Rachey poos
15-09-07, 17:38
OMG.. cant believe it..came on this afternoon to see if anyone has these very symptoms.. I have been having em too... like when I stand up me heart goes really slow and a couple of strong heart beats and I keep thinking me heart has stopped... me chest hurts with tension and also when I am sat me chest keeps tightening until I realise then It goes normal... Im getting to the point that I am planning it when I stand up... so weird and also having loads of eptopics...runs of them.... its like it goes out of sinque for a few mins at times ... Had all this before.... hate it! So IS THIS ANXIETY OR IS MY HEART GONNA STOP! I really want my life back x

15-09-07, 19:33
Yeah, its definitely a weird sensation. It doesnt happen all the time with me. I have gotten EKG's and a holter monitor test like in nov. The results came back ok. I been thinking about getting an echocardiogram . I am 27, but i smoke very heavy. Anxiety however, runs in my family and I think i do suffer from anxiety. Its hard to know if you have heart problems or not when you have anxiety because everything can get magnified in your brain, and your nerves can influence you feeling dizzy, or skipped beats. There was an interesting article i read on the vagus nerve and how it plays tricks on you when you have anxiety.

Rachey poos
16-09-07, 00:55
yes the vegas nerve is a strange little thing, I get alot of Palpatations after I eat when I am suffering anxiety.... but not when Im not.. Vegas nerve is nr the stomach so I am told and this can become extra sensitive when stressed!.... Ths weird feeling in your chest ...Is is as if all your mussles are being slowly sqeezed ( not heart attack) but like a closing sensation?

16-09-07, 07:17
I guess. I cant really explain it. I just know its a pulsating, throb, and it does feel like a squeezing sensation sort of. I wish i knew the words to describe it. But its just a really weird beat. I probably have mitral prolapse or something.

Rachey poos
16-09-07, 09:34
Now come on :blush:... you aint got ought like that babes... we both know deep down its stress and anxiety. We will get there in the end!:)

richard sharp
16-09-07, 16:00
just got back from taking the dog for a walk. as i walked along, i felt a squeezing feeling in my chest around my heart. i checked my pulse and every now and again it missed a beat and then carried on in its normal rythmn without any of the strong thuds others have been describing. i have noticed this has been happening recently if i am gardening or any other physical activity. i take beta blockers for blood pressure and am told they will control any heartbeat irregularities but its worrying this is happening. as anybody had this and if so, what advise have you been given.

Rachey poos
17-09-07, 00:23
Well I have been to a concert tonight in York to see a folk singer and as I was walking to the pub before it I had the most awful feelings like that and LOOADS of flutterings and thumps ect... I get nervous with things like that due to sitting in a crowded place.. When we came out of York Theatre and headed for the car I was fine cos I knew I was going home... I could have cried because I was with Hubby and all my freinds and they were all waiting for me while I was panicking cos my heart wasnt beating right.....felt so stupid. Wish to God It would go away like it did before... Its liike a vicious circle...stress...anxiety ...fear...stress ...anxiety...fear... Think I need a slap in the face... anyone willing LOL! Dont line up!

18-09-07, 20:10
Last night i got a heart palp. I felt it in my throat. Isnt that weird? Felt like my throat palputated lol. I didnt even feel it in my c hest at all.

Rachey poos
18-09-07, 23:14
Oh they always come up into my throat... I have felt a little better today... nearly normal! LOL Hope it continues!