View Full Version : Gastritis/Burning Stomach - Anyone going through it right now?

06-06-19, 17:51
Greetings all...

I've been through bouts of gastritis in the past. I've had stress disorder (anxiety etc.) for a number of years. Things are generally much better.
But I've hit a stubborn patch of gastritis.

I'm curious to know people's experience with it, if anyone is dealing with it right now and how.... symptoms and anything else you may have to say about it?

The pain can be intense. How do you work through it?

Mine tends to be on an empty stomach so keeping a little something in the stomach seems good. Zantac hasn't done much, but I've taken some.

Seems stress related to me, but hard to say.

Any thoughts? Anyone dealing with this?


06-06-19, 19:20
Had it diagnosed in 2014. The gnawing/burning try:

* PPI (omeprazole, lansoprazole etc)
* H2 blocker (Ranitidine)

Some find drinking milk helps, others find ice cold water helps

Test for H. Pylori infection (breath test or the new stool sample method) (ideally stop taking PPIS and/or ranitidine ~2 weeks before the test)

Follow up with GI Doctor (assume you have one seeing as you're in the States)

Avoid NSAIDs, pickled, spicy food which can irritate your stomach (and alcohol and cigarettes!!)

Good luck

06-06-19, 19:59
Thanks Radio,

Yeah I've taken the H2 blocker but can't tell if it does much. At high levels it keeps me up at night and ramps me up. So, that's kind of an occasional option.
The PPI may be my next route.

I've had this come and go in the past and generally it just works itself out with time.

Do you recall anything specfic that helped yours lift? Did it come and go as well? I've had long stretches, like over a year with very little or none...
then I'll get a flare-up.

Just wondering if you figured out any method to its madness.
