View Full Version : Sarcoma panic

06-06-19, 19:18

First-time poster, long-time lurker.

Long story short: I'm convinced I have a liposarcoma on my right butt cheek. As far as I can remember the lump has been there since Feburary but only noticeable if I sat on a hard surface. In fact, and this is remarkable given my extreme hypochondria, I didn't worry about it besides the occasional squeeze, which I shrugged off as a cyst or lipoma.

That all changed on 5/19 when I asked Dr. Google and it came back with "sarcoma." Since then I have been obsessively Googling (I know I need to stop) as well as squeezing and checking my lump to the point that it hurts and feels swollen and bigger IMO. On the 15th and prior to that it felt like a small, slightly firm disk that I could pick up and move around. Since then, it feels larger and the surrounding tissue is sensitive/aches after moving it around.

I have met with two doctors since that time (plus a relative who is also a Dr) and all have said that it was deep-seated and felt like a lipoma or cyst.

The last Dr (who I saw this morning) gave me the same explanation (deep-seated, slightly bruised) and scheduled me for an ultrasound, which I will go to later today.

The rational part of my brain says leave it alone, hopefully it will go down. However, the rest of me won't consider that possibility and is convinced that it's cancerous.

I'll have my wife with me today, but wondering if anyone has gone through something similar and how they got through this kind of worry.

All I can see is a new phase in my life occurring. One filled with expensive scans, invasive operations and a shortened life expectancy.

06-06-19, 19:33
Anxiety and Dr. Google are like oil and water but you know that :doh:

The bottom is...

I have met with two doctors since that time (plus a relative who is also a Dr) and all have said that it was deep-seated and felt like a lipoma or cyst.

The last Dr (who I saw this morning) gave me the same explanation (deep-seated, slightly bruised) and scheduled me for an ultrasound, which I will go to later today.

The rational part of my brain says leave it alone.....

I had a deep seated lipoma on my lower back for years. Never was an issue up until about two years ago as it had grown and was in a bad spot (like yours). Whenever I sat in a chair or driving it would press on the area and was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. I had a minor procedure to take it out. It was attached to the muscle wall and the size of a small egg.

So yeah... if it's not causing any major discomfort, listen to the rational part of your brain and leave it alone. I was never concerned otherwise nor should you be.

Positive thoughts