View Full Version : MS question

06-06-19, 19:59
Would MS cause tight muscles on both thighs and hamstrings or is it usually not symmetrical ?

06-06-19, 20:06
Not sure we can answer that but anything can cause tight muscles to be honest.

Have you been working out, walking a lot etc etc - you aren't giving us much detail about this.

Why do you think MS?

06-06-19, 20:13
The story is I run a lot and got a sore hip so decided to take a break for a few weeks and started doing lots of walking and then became obsessed about how I walk and was it causing my sore hip to the point that I couldn’t remember how to naturally walk and panicking every time I go out for a walk not sure whether I should turn my feet in etc. I honestly think this obsession is the reason and I’m tensing my leg muscles while walking but now I have MS in my head. Although I have lots of sore parts that I can poke like trigger points if that makes sense.

06-06-19, 20:21
So not MS just the walking etc then

06-06-19, 21:03
Would MS cause tight muscles on both thighs and hamstrings or is it usually not symmetrical ?

Im not a doctor and am just speaking from my experiences but my issues have been isolated to one area. I.e i had movement issues in one eye. I had numbness in one leg. Whilst i am sure it is possible it is far far more likely that you have injured yourself walking/running. I have even pulled a muscle sitting funny. Easy for me to say but chill a bit. Your tension could even be the problem.