View Full Version : Colon Cancer

07-06-19, 01:39
Well I was worried about Ovarian cancer but it has shifted to colon. Last Friday, I had a poop that was kind of flat. It wasn't too abnormal, so I kind of forgot about it and focused on my worry of ovarian cancer over the weekend. Well I noticed Monday I hadn't pooped much since Friday and then became obsessed with my poop. It has been flatter and smaller all week (not a lot of it either) and I haven't had many urges to go, which is weird. It's soft too. So if i'm constipated, why is my poop soft? My stomach has also been feeling weird and hard, but idk if that is my imagination. No blood. I did eat like crap all last week and this weekend from stress (last week had an exam stressing me out and then anxiety over cancer). I also didn't drink a great deal of fluids. At first, I thought that was the reason, so I've upped my fiber and water starting Tuesday. Still no good poops. I'm starting to freak outttt. I've never really had bathroom troubles except for when I was pregnant, so the change is making me nervous. I've also read colon cancer is rising in people in their 20/30s and I'm 28.

09-06-19, 01:49
I don't understand why I have no urge to poop. Is it because I try to go any time I sliiiiightly feel like I need to? I started metamucil last night to see if I can bulk it but nothing yet (except for a small soft one this morning). I did do a suppository on Thursday. I just want to poop lol.

10-06-19, 18:25
There is one sure-fire way to poop. Get magnesium citrate. My lord. I'm not advocating it, I'm not a doctor, but when I got constipation scare one time, I used that.

10-06-19, 18:31
I don't understand why I have no urge to poop. Is it because I try to go any time I sliiiiightly feel like I need to? I started metamucil last night to see if I can bulk it but nothing yet (except for a small soft one this morning). I did do a suppository on Thursday. I just want to poop lol.

Truthfully, probably. Unfortunately these things are as much on their own schedule as anything, the more you stress about it the less likely it's going to happen. I've actually been through something like this recently myself. Eat a varied diet, drink plenty of water and keep moving, the more time spent trying to go and sat worrying about it the less action your going to be seeing. Constipation is a normal occurrence in life, if it goes on too long or you're feeling really uncomfortable with it and all other means have failed take a laxative and prepare for the clear out that will follow.

Positive Vibes,


10-06-19, 23:28
Well I've pooped twice today but not a great amount and it was more I sat down and waited to see if I would go. It was an okay amount, still feel like there should be more. I've been eating more fiber and idk if it is because of the increase but I've had so much stomach pain and gas today. I've had raisin bran, dried prunes and apricots and romaine lettuce and my stomach is not feeling good. But I also know increased gas (along with a lotttttt of bloating) is also a sign of colon or ovarian cancer, so it's like a vicious cycle.

11-06-19, 00:11
There is one sure-fire way to poop. Get magnesium citrate. My lord. I'm not advocating it, I'm not a doctor, but when I got constipation scare one time, I used that. ha I bought some but never used it, too scared to lol. Luckily I've had some poop, so haven't resorted to that.

11-06-19, 05:07
I've had raisin bran, dried prunes and apricots and romaine lettuce

I've had so much stomach pain and gas today.

Cause and effect. I would be positively exploding!

Positive vibes,


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11-06-19, 16:45
Problem is that a lot of the gas is trapped. So that along with it being harder to poop=tumor blocking it. Ugh. Just a little over two weeks ago I was fine. ​

27-06-19, 01:23
So I went to the doctor (about two weeks ago) and she had me take laxatives to clear me out, which it did. Since then I only go like every 2, sometimes, 3 days. When I do go, it's quite a bit. But I feel like in between going I start to get bloated. It's freaking me out that I'm not going every day, like my bowels are moving slow. Has anyone had this happen?

27-06-19, 09:59
So I went to the doctor (about two weeks ago) and she had me take laxatives to clear me out, which it did. Since then I only go like every 2, sometimes, 3 days. When I do go, it's quite a bit. But I feel like in between going I start to get bloated. It's freaking me out that I'm not going every day, like my bowels are moving slow. Has anyone had this happen?

That’s my new normal really, I go between going multiple times a day to every two to three days, it’s not a cause for concern really. My husband has completely normal bowels and goes every other day or longer between - the difference is he just doesn’t think about it!

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27-06-19, 15:32
I USE to not think about it and now i pay so close attention that I can't remember how frequent/infrequent it was. But I feel like I get so much more bloated and gassy than before. My husband goes like 2/3 times a day, so he's always going and I'm like jealous! Lol

27-06-19, 18:56
I USE to not think about it and now i pay so close attention that I can't remember how frequent/infrequent it was. But I feel like I get so much more bloated and gassy than before. My husband goes like 2/3 times a day, so he's always going and I'm like jealous! Lol

It’s really easy to get caught up and obsessed over things like bowel movements, and also to start over analysing every little feeling. How’s your diet been Megan? Have you been eating things that could make you bloated and gassy? I often find I’m more that way when I’m stressed anyway so I wouldn’t focus too much on it.

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