View Full Version : DVLA & BiPolar Disorder

07-06-19, 13:27
I have never been told by my GP to contact the DVLA regards my BiPolar but Im now really worried because I have been told that you have to send an M1 to the DVLA. I didn't know about this.

Im currently taking medication for my condition but its stable.

Does anyone know of any outcomes regards contacting the DVLA regards having BiPolar. I have BiPolar Type 2.

08-06-19, 21:28
Hi, if your really worried about contacting them ring anonymously and ask if you have to report it, my daughter in law is bipolar and drives but I don't like to ask if she had to report it.
I'm sure that even if you have to surely so long as your meds don't send you dizzy or anything and your happy driving it shouldn't be a problem

08-06-19, 21:33
Absolutely NOT! It's none of their biz, Mezz :lac:

10-06-19, 14:58
Absolutely NOT! It's none of their biz, Mezz :lac:

Actually it very much is their business.

In the event of an accident, if they find out that you haven't told them the fines and charges can be significant, not to mention an almost 100% guaranteed invalid insurance policy.

10-06-19, 15:00
Here you go, just to clarify:

10-06-19, 15:30
Actually it very much is their business.

In the event of an accident, if they find out that you haven't told them the fines and charges can be significant, not to mention an almost 100% guaranteed invalid insurance policy.

And how would they know you had BPD unless you informed DVLA and/or insurance company? DVLA would love to know what you ate last night and your shoe size. So if you want sky-high insurance premiums, not to mention many insurance companies not even touching you with a bargepole, go ahead and inform DVLA and insurance company.

Unless Mezz thinks his "manic" episodes are of concern, and a danger to others on the road, I don't see a problem. The decision is his :shades: