View Full Version : HUGE MS Worry, please, any advice helps

07-06-19, 17:22
So before you read this, I want this to be a good discussion post where we share stories and perspectives, not just me complaining about my life lol. So please post and share your thoughts and stories too, I want to hear them! So heres what im dealing with...

Im gonna be quick. A month ago, a small portion of my left toe went numb. Of course I was freaking out and I just saw a doctor. He said he doesnt see anything alarming and that he thinks I bruised my nerves (which is easy to do actually). The only thing I linked to this was the fact that I was playing soccer a month ago and kept toe balling the ball when I kicked it. Thats around the same time I noticed my toe. So the doctor said wait 2 months and get back to him if it gets worse, he thinks itll be a distant memory by then.

But recently I have been feeling throbs, soreness, and almost like nerve stings in my toes and fingers. Nerve pain? Anxiety? I don't know, but Ive had it for years now and some of it flairs with anxiety.

I thought that my right toe also went numb and my ring toe on my left foot too, but I felt them a little and I think its just me. Im coming to grips that some parts of the body, especially the pads of toes or fingers are most likely less sensitive because they are just hitting more, being used more, etc. If anything, I felt my toes earlier, and the only one that feels numb is my obvious left toe, but even that feels a bit better.

I also hit my head pretty hard at work a week ago and have had headaches for like 4 days straight after, but they have tapered off almost completely now. Sound was sensitive so I most likely had a really minor concussion. The doctor looked at that too and said I had minor whiplash because my shoulders are SUPER tense. He didn't see any abnormailties or brain injuries or anything of the sort. Im also super sore from work all the time cause its a construction job.

Earlier today and as I write this, my left arm, from the elbow down, feels heavy in a way. It feel like its dulled or slightly numb. I noticed that my left pinky is definitely a little numb and its FREAKING ME OUT. I had 2 MRI's last year and they came back fine. I had non specific white matter/lesions that aren't doing anything and are most likely migraine related.

But I can't help but still dwell on this whole MS thing. I just don't want to fall into seeing the doctor over and over again. My left arm feels numb but then I touch my right arm and it feels the same, and my right is fine. How does that even work? I sound crazy and trust me I know it.

Any thoughts are appreciated to help a brotha out. Ive been suffering with this stuff on and off for years, so I get the whole process, but its so hard when I notice my body is doing weird and scary things.
If anyone can point me to some recourses, that'd be super appreciated.

07-06-19, 17:34
Essentially, you're just seeking reassurance on top of what a medical professional said. I'd continue to pound that into your mind. You're certainly dwelling on every single niggle so that's just adding to your anxiety. There is a FREE CBT (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?211324-9-FREE-CBT-ebooks-for-Health-Anxiety) course that many have had success with.

Positive thoughts

10-06-19, 20:11
The double MRI rules out a lot of the possibility. Maybe it's a nerve thing? Not life threatening but annoying

10-06-19, 21:02
Yes it is quite annoying to say the least. And that is what I figured, but not being able to pin point it is what worries me. Now I feel like my left toe is starting to get numb again. So dumb to be honest.

10-06-19, 21:50
Not dumb my friend. I have the same fears, worries as you, but different symptoms. You are not alone, but there are a lot of diseases and injuries that can cause problems, but thankfully most of which not deadly or life changing. Keep trying to move past, and if continues have your Doctor come up with other options, I would definitely try anxiety medication to see if you can reduce the feelings.

10-06-19, 22:12
Thank you for your reply, I do appreciate it, and that is always a good reminder for sure.