View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

07-06-19, 21:22
Long story short, May 16th I got dehydrated and about a week later I went to the doctor to get seen because I was feeling light headed and weak. they took blood work and said that my potassium was low, he told me to drink Gatorade, so I did that. A few days later I still didn't feel any better, so I went to the hospital (The doctors office was closed) and they put me on an IV drip and gave me potassium pills and gave me a list of foods to eat. They also took my blood and said everything looked fine other then my potassium. A few days later I got so worked up and nauseous I couldn't eat, so I went back to the doctor because I was feeling light headedness and weak still. He looked at my blood work and said everything was fine except my potassium as well and he gave me two Zofran pills for my nausea and sent me home. It's now two days after the last doctor visit and I feel like I can't catch a good breath and i'm fuzzy headed. It's got me worried about heart issues. Because I keep taking deep breaths and I get winded walking around a little because of the breathing issue I'm having. Is this just anxiety or do I need to go back to the doctor a fourth time? I really can't afford it honestly. i think I'm overly worried about my heart now because I can't catch a breath kinda. Has anyone had this issue? I know it's a lot to read, but some comfort would be nice or some peace of mind. If this is anxiety, how can I calm down so I can start feeling better? I already felt bad from the low potassium, and now this? Ugh.

Thanks in advanced.

07-06-19, 21:55
Shortness of breath is a very common anxiety symptom (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#BreathingShortness_of_breath). Continue hydrating and consider a potassium supplement.

Positive thoughts

07-06-19, 22:24
It's very common with anxiety, and something I've suffered with a lot in the past.

I'm not sure what kind of quack Doctor would prescribe Gatorade for low potassium. It's literally full of crap.

Consider a good quality electrolyte powder and upping your intake of potassium rich foods instead.

There's nothing wrong with your heart or lungs. These are classic anxiety symptoms.

One of the best techniques for the kind of breathing issues you're describing is to just not focus on it. It's more than likely that you're making the issue worse by trying to take deep breaths too often. You're effectively hyperventilating which causes you to feel more out of breath. Try slowing your breathing down, and only breathing through your nose. It might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but you probably need to re-train your body how to breath properly again, it's pretty common to do what you're doing.

07-06-19, 22:32
Yeah, I looked at the bottle and it has like 75mg of potassium. The doc at the hospital gave me a good list of foods to eat, which I am. Plus coconut water. But yeah, i think I am focusing too much of my breathing and it's just making it worse. I really wish I could calm down and stop thinking about it. I'll try the breathing stuff. Taking so many deep breaths has caused my neck muscles to tense up and my left arm is tense (Which is making me worry about heart issues). My heart rate was 85-90 when I checked my watch. Thank you for giving me this feed back. Maybe it'll give me some peace of mind. I haven't had an episode like this in a long time, so it's got me pretty scared.

07-06-19, 22:47
Yeah it is scary. But stop checking your heart rate too. In the state you're in it's in what I would consider the low side of normal range! Checking it is only likely to reinforce the anxiety brain that 'SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG!!!!', and it isn't.

07-06-19, 22:51
You're right! I won't check it again. My breathing is just messing with my mind I suppose. I'll try some breathing treatments and look for maybe something natural to take to help with this mess. I really do appreciate your advice! It's nice to know you're not alone, lol.

10-06-19, 21:01
Would you happen to know if this breathing thing can last a while? It doesn't seem to be going away and I think I'm freaking out again.

10-06-19, 21:16
I've recently been dealing with a medical thing (Low potassium) and I am currently working on that. But I'm not sure if my symptom is anxiety related or health related due to the potassium...I'm having a hard time trying to catch a good satisfying breath. Like, I take a deep breath, but it doesn't feel like it's a good one. I think I'm stressing out over my potassium levels and not getting better and it's making me freak out like this. I was wondering if anyone else has had this before and if it's normal with anxiety? It's been going on for over a week now. I've been to three different doctors already, so I'm at a loss. Any helpful advice would be great. Please don't say "go to the doctor". Firstly, I have to save up money to go again anyways to see if my potassium levels have risen. But will this go away if it's anxiety related?

Thanks in advance.

10-06-19, 22:30

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

11-06-19, 08:16
Yes, it can be related to Potassium and yes it can go away even if it's related to anxiety. As I said before, you just need to focus on upping your food based potassium and try to get through the day without focusing on the breathing....as hard as it is.