View Full Version : Worried sick

08-06-19, 16:46
So I was on holiday last week and started to feel a bit unwell. Dodgy tummy, sore tummy etc. Wasn't sore all the time but came and went. I googled and found all sorts of nasties but settled myself. Today, I had a routine doc appt for another issue and I mentioned my tummy to her. She said she thinks it's probably to do with holiday, heat, humidity, food etc and less about what Google told me. Prior to the holiday I was exercising, dieting, eating well and felt great. I went on holiday ate crap and drank too much red wine. Doc seemed to think it is my body telling me to stop the crap. Came home this morning, have cooked dinner and finished it about 2o mins ago and have now rushed to toilet. I'm now scared and back to the Google scenarios.

08-06-19, 16:49
Sounds like an upset stomach to me and nothing more. Don't google!

08-06-19, 17:17
Prior to the holiday I was exercising, dieting, eating well and felt great. I went on holiday ate crap and drank too much red wine. Doc seemed to think it is my body telling me to stop the crap.

That's it in a nutshell. Get back on the bicycle!

Positive thoughts

08-06-19, 18:06
It can take a while for your body to get back to normal after a period like that, I have weird days like that all the time then it gradually improves,m. To much alcohol can make you poorly it can me especially certain types. Please try not to google I know it’s hard, you can get a special website bloke to stop you looking at anything with certain words in it or certain subjects. I’m sure your fine. Give yourself a chance to settle.