View Full Version : Shaking Fingers On Right Hand

08-06-19, 20:05

As of yesterday I have started noticing my finger and thumb start to tremor when I hold then in certain places. For the index finger it's sometimes when I have my hand in a sort of soft claw position and with my thumb when holding my mouse. I also feel a very subtle shaking on my fingers when typing (like now) sometimes.

What could this be? Is this the sign of some form of tremor? :unsure:

I don't know if this really is anxiety, but I do worry that this could snowball and get worse. Anyone have a similar symptom?

09-06-19, 12:28
The more you think of a symptom the more your brain will produce the symptom.... the brain is a really powerful thing and can litterally make you have the symptoms just by thinking about them.

if you are worried though head to your GP

22-08-19, 22:54
Did this stop? I have exact same thing. If I hold something lightly between my finger and thumb I get this twitch / tremor. Have also had it when I've gone to get a drink after batting at cricket