View Full Version : Mum's Elbow is painful, swollen and she can't move it, what is it?

08-06-19, 22:30
Hi, quick post. My mum is 53, she has arthritis, and a dodgy knee. Two days ago, she bent down and all of a sudden she couldn't move her elbow, and was in pain. It looked like a bump came up, slightly swollen and very sore, she was in a lot of pain. Went doctors Thursday, and he basically said it was to do with the arthritis and gave her anti inflammatories, but their doing nothing to help her.

It's a bit worse today, its a little more swollen and looks sore, she can't move it much, only to a certain degree, and all I could find online was Bursitis, would it be that?

She said she will go the hospital in the morning, but I am pulling my hair out with constant worry, and I was feeling sick today too, and now this has me stressed as well, as I don't like seeing her in any pain.

Anyway, she has a numbing pad on it, and some ice as well, to help with the pain and swelling, but I am worrying if it is an infection as I read online about Septic bursitis? Would it be that, or is it just bursitis related to the arthritis? It is what the doctor said on Thursday.

Sorry, I just need to talk to someone about it and ask.

08-06-19, 22:40
I'm sorry to hear about your Mam being in pain- My Dad has arthritis in his knees. It's horrible, sometimes it swells to the size of a melon. Yet it would be easier to make a horse drink water than getting him to do anything about his health! At least your Mam is opened to the option- remember she knows her body best and will know what to do if needs be!

It's horrible to have a parent unwell....I hope you feel better soon :flowers:

09-06-19, 03:07
I know! Yeah, she's heading to the hospital in the morning, maybe they might give her a steroid injection, not sure but we'll see. It really is, I get super stressed whenever she's in pain or anything, always feel I need to do something. Hopefully they can do something to help anyway, will keep updated.

Thanks again! :)

11-06-19, 22:13
Update: Sorry for not updating you all, been a stressful time lately. Anyway, mum went hospital, they did an X-Ray, Blood Tests and gave her medications and steroids for her elbow. They think its related to her arthritis, and the bloods were all fine.

So we went doctor yesterday, to talk about the hospital appointment, notes hadn't arrived yet, but mum explained and he said that he will book her in the rheumatology department I think to discuss pain management etc. He also said it was a good sign that the steroids helped immensely in the pain.

So mum has just to go see the specialist and find a way of helping with pain and so on. I'm just happy she's not in pain, cause that is stressful to see.

21-06-19, 00:48
How's your mum doing now x Any updates on pain/treatment? All good I hope!

21-06-19, 01:17
Just a side note to this. To me, it sounds like arthritis. I have it and lately my wife has has some bad bouts with it. Her left hand swells up and she can barely straighten her fingers. Her doctor said to take ibuprofen which helped but she was taking 3 tablets every 4 hours and even waking in pain and taking them. I went out and got her real CBT capsules and literally an hour after taking the first dose, the swelling went down as did the pain. She's been taking one in the AM and one in the PM and all has been well. I use a tincture for my pain/neuropathy with equal success.

Just something to consider if the issue persists.....

Positive thoughts