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View Full Version : who is nibbles

15-09-07, 14:38
Some say he is more machine than man

Some also say that he has a computer chip built into his brain and thus is dam hot at all games.

There are others that just whisper his name with great respect

Yet the question remains

can nibbles be beaten

15-09-07, 15:52
I know Nibbles in the form of an administrator on this website, and who does some brilliant posts. Adding to that, many members have said he's been a real pleasure to have in the chat room helping many people out. He certianly is the King of Games though. His Pac-man score in particular is very impressive, and that score is probably at least ten or even twenty times more than my score of around 40,000 on that game.

I think it would be possible to beat him, it just takes alot of practice, which I imagine is what Nibbles did. Afterall, practice makes perfect.

Such an awesome chap Nibbles is.

15-09-07, 16:33
He seems to be good at games and quizzes. I think he is Piglet's secret son :D

15-09-07, 17:19
I don't know where he finds the time and energy to play cos I certainly keep him busy on the forum as well :ohmy: :winks:

It is great to see someone winning that also contributes so much to the forum as well - good on you Mike :yesyes:

look at this screen shot - see I was once in the top 3 - taken about an hour ago before people found the new games :huh:

15-09-07, 17:25
I think he is Piglet's secret son :D

Oh no the secrets out!!! :ohmy:

Piglet :flowers:

15-09-07, 19:13
I think he has written a programme that cheats at all games as he rolls far to many doubles when he plays me at backgammon lol

Trac xxx

15-09-07, 20:00
And he whooped me at pool in the semi final, i have been sulking ever since!

Ive never won anything!:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:


15-09-07, 21:18
Oh good gravy!!!
Once he sees this his head is gonna swell!!!!
I just love him and he knows it game guru or not :)

17-09-07, 11:55
Well now this Nibbles chap seems to be a clever clogs :D I don't think I've heard of him before is he new to the site???? I thought Nibbles was something to do with eating :wacko: As for beating this Nibbles chap :shades: If someone lends me the stick I will do it gratefully :lac:

P.S. Loves ye really mucks :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxxxx

17-09-07, 13:10
Well that was all tongue in cheek and yea HE REMAINS king of the games but who is queen

any ideas?


17-09-07, 21:14
Thanks everyone for a brilliant thread, it really made me smile. :D It's also helped explain my uncontrollable lust for Pringles. Seriously I think the arcade section is an excellent addition to the site because it's helped take my mind off things when I'm anxious. It's also nice to chill out and play the games for 5 minutes when feeling lazy. :yesyes:

Take care all, you're fab!

Mike :)

18-09-07, 02:46
If you are only playing for 5 minutes at a time I might as well hang it up now - LOL

Luv ya Mike hun :hugs:
