View Full Version : Woke up with a black eye!

09-06-19, 12:01

I've been trying really hard to managed my HA but every once in a while something occurs that throws me off again!

So bit of history, I suffer from hayfever quite badly, it mainly affects my eyes and I get a bit of a stuffy nose. Yesterday after a trip out one of my eyes starting hurting like mad and it became completely swollen with a fluid blister over the eyeball (this is gross but quite usual with my hayfever). I spent the rest of the day putting eyedrops in both eyes as I figured it was allergy related and both eyes were sensitive for the rest of the day.

This morning I've woken up with a black eye but weirdly not under the eye that was swollen yesterday. It's under the eye and is probably an area of about 1 inch and a further small spot on the area where you tend to get bags and it hurts like mad. If it was under the eye that was really swollen yesterday I probably wouldn't question it but it's not.

Has anyone else ever had this? My dad said he's had it before and thought he'd probably just hit himself in the eye in his sleep and I have woken up a couple of times recently with this eye really red and felt as if I've been sleeping with something pushed into that eye, probably my hand but it's always been the eyeball and not the skin underneath.

So I've googled (yes I know) and there is something called allergic shiners which is where your nasal lining swells and it causes blood to pool under the eyes which resembles a black eye. My sinuses are a bit sore and I've had a bit of an on off cold so I guess it could be that but it's just weird.

Just wondered if this had happened to anyone on here and if so did you ever find the cause.


09-06-19, 12:18
It will be due to your hay fever as you say.... Allergic shiners are not serious and will go away in time.

The thing that makes me chuckle here (not in a nasty way) is that you have done the HA thing and googled... you have found the thing that it almost certainly is and you have found that it isn't serious..... so your HA brain has told you that it can't be that and has to be something more 'deadly' ....... it is about the one time Dr Google got it right and someone with HA doesn't believe him......

Please don't take the last bit personally, it isn't actually aimed at you.. it is just aimed at a HA brain and proves so much about how HA brains work when in the grips of the illness.