View Full Version : Still experiencing what i hope is HA symptoms

09-06-19, 17:03
I've been on 10mg of Citalopram for 15 weeks now. I generally think I feel better. I have off days but Im thinking who doesn't?!
However I have still got the MS or brain tumor panic simmering away. I have random twitches when I'm sat relaxing. Last week at night my legs were so restless I couldn't get to sleep. I'm convinced my right eye is not as good as it was before. I feel like I have weakness in my arms sometimes. So the panic spirals. I haven't been on this site for a good few weeks and my symptoms have forced me back. I don't know what to do.

09-06-19, 18:00
I twitch ALL the time its due to muscle tiredness. Try stretching as when we have anxiety our bodies tense up which causes twitching. hense why when people go for a massage they always say its good to release all of the tension away!
But no you dont have ms or a brain tumor please believe me ive been there. Maybe get a full blood count to put for mind at ease and once thats done with at least you know on paper you are fit and healthy and its will be on paper for you.

10-06-19, 11:11
Thank you for your reply. I think I'm just so scared as I'm on the medication so shouldn't be feeling like this.

10-06-19, 11:16
10mg is half the recommended therapeutic dose of citalopram - I did well on it, but I did much better on 20, so it may be worth asking about that. That said, it's not a miracle cure - are you getting therapy to go along with it?

10-06-19, 18:40
Hi. No not having any therapy at the moment. I think because I have been feeling better I thought I had turned a corner. My 11 year old has been going through a really tough time and she is coming out of the other side now. But I don't think I realised how much it had affected me. I just thought that by being on Citalopram it would take the thoughts of all illness away and my symptoms would stop.

10-06-19, 18:51
I just thought that by being on Citalopram it would take the thoughts of all illness away and my symptoms would stop.

I don't think the meds make the thoughts stop per se'. I do believe they do help in allowing you to care less and rationalize them. When I was dealing with "scanxiety", I took Buspar when needed. I called it my "F'it" pill ;) Sounds like a build up of stress and a blip as you said. Might be worth a discussion about dosage with your doctor.

Positive thoughts

10-06-19, 19:03
Thank you for your reply. I think I'm just so scared as I'm on the medication so shouldn't be feeling like this.

Medications can only go so far if you're not working on the thoughts that cause you to feel that way in the first place. It's worth noting not every drug is a good fit for all, If you aren't getting the cover you expect from it then it might be a good idea to have a chat with your doctor and see what other options you might have available.

As for the twitching, it's actually really common even in people without mental illnesses, they just don't give it a second thought really. Both my partner, my self and countless people on here can attest for the twitches being nothing more than a minor inconvenience at worst, I used to get the most awful restless legs when I was really worked up - many nights of desperation and very little sleep.

Positive Vibes,


11-06-19, 17:53
I have an appt for a review at the end of June. I don't know if can go on till the end of June feeling crappy again. My recent Google search resulted in my finding issues with my eye. (I googled twitch eye) and it said its worrying if you feel your eye drooping or not blinking properly. So that is exactly what my eye feels like now. So much so that I've checked my eye so much today. I feel like ive taken such a huge step backwards.

11-06-19, 19:49
Just to follow up on what others are saying, from a personal viewpoint I love my meds because they get me to a point where I'm no longer too anxious to use the coping strategies I've learned. They don't fix everything, but they do help me get to a point where I'm capable of fixing myself.