View Full Version : Leukemia fear Please Help!!

09-06-19, 18:40
I am new to this forum and this my first post i am a hypochondriac from many months my first big fear was als then ms and later it was hiv and earlier this year was tetanus i am also a bit socially anxious so lets get back to this year it all started in april when one of my friend’s brother died from leukemia i being hypochondriac searched for it. Nothing happened at that time but in the first week of may i noticed 2 bruises one was a very big one and later i remember it must be from the falling but other was looking like a blood clot it later disappeared but later i thought it is purpura so this all triggered my anxiety. So later after 1 week i experienced pain in both upper and lower ribs i googled it and found it related to my fear at that time i also had some same spots like purpura or petiache on my thighs and one spot on my finger i went to doctor with that i told him about spots and my stomach pain he checked me and i told him about i saw google and i am scared he told me to stay away from google he said dont notice these spots and he gave me medicine for acidity and gas later i also noticed some pimples in my underarm and they also wen away my anxiety was getting better until i found another spot on my arm it was like small dots or rash on my bicep side i asked my family and they said it could be from gym as i go to gym regularly this was last week and i was okay till today when my anxiety was at its peak due to some pain in my joints and just recently i found some dried blood in my nose while cleaning it and right now i am very anxious please help. Some thing about me
I am from india and its actually very hot here so nosebleed could be from that also i am only 17 years old. Guys please help i am very scared due to this it is also interfering with my daily life and my family.

09-06-19, 18:41
Guys please help i am very anxious right now

09-06-19, 18:51
Your doctor is right, you need to stay away from Google
Try to get on with your life; accept your fearful thoughts and then let them pass you by. Brooding on this will only make it worse.

09-06-19, 19:05
Actually my latest trigger was that dried nosebleed and right now very scared

09-06-19, 19:19
You don't need to be scared. This is nothing unusual, especially when the temperature outside is very high or low.

09-06-19, 19:23
The thing is, you could have pages of reassurance but you're in a spiral right now. Your doctor is not concerned and that should be what you focus on.

Have you spoken to your parents about your health anxiety? If so and they're blowing you off like we see so much of on here, is there a trusted adult or school counselor you can speak to about getting real life help?

Positive thoughts

09-06-19, 19:29
I told my parents about all my health problems symptoms and even anxiety they are trying to help me as much as they can but its like my thoughts are not in my control maybe i will go to the gp tomorrow and will talk to him about the anxiety but i am not sure because i think if i try to ignore all this stuff maybe i will feel better i dont know if i should visit my gp again or not because i went to him like 15-16 days back also you are right i am in a spiral right now btw feeling alot better after talking to you guys.

09-06-19, 19:33
I'm glad. Recognising that you're spiralling is honestly half the battle.

09-06-19, 19:39
I told my parents about all my health problems symptoms and even anxiety they are trying to help me as much as they can but its like my thoughts are not in my control maybe i will go to the gp tomorrow and will talk to him about the anxiety but i am not sure because i think if i try to ignore all this stuff maybe i will feel better i dont know if i should visit my gp again or not because i went to him like 15-16 days back also you are right i am in a spiral right now btw feeling alot better after talking to you guys.

That's good to hear. I have a daughter that suffers from anxiety and depression. She came to me when she was 18 and told me what was going on. I, along with her mother made sure she got help. She's 26 and still has her moments but between meds and therapy, she's doing well. I would have an open and honest conversation with your doctor about this. He can help and/or at least refer you to someone who can.

Positive thoughts

10-06-19, 19:11
So went to the doctor today and told him about my anxiety and the spots and the blood he checked my nose and found a little wound and said dont even touch ur nose and gave me some drops doctor listened to me properly and asked me why are u anxious and i told him about all these stuff i also told him about the spots he said if they are going away its nothing to worry i told him about my google problem he understood me and told me to stay away from google and told me if u have any symptom just come to me he also prescribed me etizolam 0.25(ik its not legal in US) for sleep and told me to focus on my life also he said these spots must be rashes as they are going away quickly i am a little better now still i am having some bad moments but it was still a better day.

10-06-19, 19:14
So went to the doctor today and told him about my anxiety and the spots and the blood he checked my nose and found a little wound and said dont even touch ur nose and gave me some drops doctor listened to me properly and asked me why are u anxious and i told him about all these stuff i also told him about the spots he said if they are going away its nothing to worry i told him about my google problem he understood me and told me to stay away from google and told me if u have any symptom just come to me he also prescribed me etizolam 0.25(ik its not legal in US) for sleep and told me to focus on my life also he said these spots must be rashes as they are going away quickly i am a little better now still i am having some bad moments but it was still a better day.

Good job! That has to be encouraging and comforting having your GP on your team to help.

Positive thoughts!

01-07-19, 03:40
Hey guys i was doing fine for some days as i was on a vacation also was fine for some days after the vacation but my fears are coming back on friday i saw some more red spots one was on my arm and other was on my thigh which scared my again and today when i was brushing there was bleeding and my i was in the full panic mode and after half an hour i brushed again and there was no blood. So i dont know what should i do my parents says this is nothing guys what should i do should i go to the doctor again for those spots?

01-07-19, 04:58
should i do should i go to the doctor again for those spots?

No, no need to go to the doctor. Go back and read what you wrote concerning what the doctor said. You age and physical examinations have ruled out anything sinister no matter what your anxiety tells you.

Positive thoughts

03-07-19, 16:14
Another spot appeared now on my arm which made me anxious again can anyone please tell what could this be https://imgur.com/6SVMuvg

03-07-19, 16:21
Looks like a small red patch to me.

03-07-19, 16:26
Is petechie anything like this?

03-07-19, 16:29
Absolutely not, no.

03-07-19, 16:29
Actually i was at the gym when i noticed this

03-07-19, 16:36
So i shouldnt worry about this being petechie right?

03-07-19, 16:38

03-07-19, 16:44
Thanks dude feeling alot better i think petechie is are very small somewhat like cherry angiomas i think am i correct

03-07-19, 16:47
They're tiny, yes, and you're fine :)

03-07-19, 16:50
Thanks dude :) i was thinking of making an appointment for tommorow but i went to him for something like this some 20 days ago

23-07-19, 12:28
Hey guys this month was great for my anxiety but suddenly yesterday when i was doing some work on my computer it was very hot at that time i scratched my thigh for 4-5 minutes constantly and when i checked there was a small cluster of red spots partially raised and looking like petechie now it is not itchy or raised but looks like a peteaiche or bruise as it is now blue guys please tell me what to do

23-07-19, 12:31

It looks like this as this picture is from morning and now it is a little bluish and i am very scared

23-07-19, 12:43
That's just because it's healing, you're panicking over nothing.

23-07-19, 12:44
Blue iris do u have any idea what could have caused this? I have big nails and i was scratching this place so this could be caused by scratching?

23-07-19, 12:53
Of course it could. You damaged your skin, just a little, and now it's going through the stages of healing. The exact same thing has happened to me in the past.